Icha Icha Paradise Restamp

Aug 09, 2008 10:33

Previously stamped as Future!Shikamaru at http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/492956.html#cutid1

Name: Shin
Age: 15
Gender: Girl


Likes: Gfx, angst, reading, history, writing, playing games
Dislikes: insects and nagging.

What do you feel is your best quality?: I can analyze and infer. Also, i can be efficient if i feel like it or if there really is a need to.
Your worst?: I procastinate alot and can get irritated easily. I don't show emotions. Which sometimes annoy others because i don't seem to care about them.

Pet Peeves: People who nag or keeps crying. They're annoying.
Dreams & Ambitions: I don't really plan ahead. Well, not that far ahead i guess. I just want to get into an university and study the subjects of my choice.

Personality in 5 words or less: laidback, loyal( to my friends), duty before honour


Favorite Season: I live in an equatorial climate.
Favorite Element: Fire. Or Fluorine.
Favorite Naruto character & why: Naruto. I admire his determination and perserverance.


Mature or Immature: Mature in the mind, immature in actions. Overall, more mature i guess.
Leader or Follower: Follower. I will only lead if asked to.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic. Experiences tells me that nothing good comes out from being an optimist.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive. I act on impluse but i do think before i act sometimes.
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing to those who know me and shy to everyone else.
Hardworking or Laid-back: Laidback. I do work hard when there is a need to, but i'm not the extreme kind.
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: Somewhere in-between. My mood fluctuates.
Modest or Bold: Modest.
Lover or Fighter: Fighter. I cant see myself going around loving things. But i wouldnt like too much conflict.


You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?: I'll help. Because its only someone i do not like and not someone i hate.

When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?: I'll stand the ground by myself. But if i know that it won't turn out good, i'll run away.

Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?: Glare at him.

NARUTO VERSE; Naruto has been following you around all day, trying to get you to teach him a new secret move he saw you do that he thought was cool. What do you do?: Teach him. I wouldn't want someone following me all the time.

NARUTO VERSE; Would you rather be attacking up close and personal, hiding far off using a type of long range attacks, or not on the battle field at all? A mixture of attacking up close as well as long range. I'll rather be a balanced type.

NARUTO VERSE; Your friend has joined the "dark side" and wants you to join them. More power and money, they say. Would you join them? I don't really care. If the benefits outweight the cons, yes.


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: Nothing. I'm fine the way i am.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: No insects. I really don't like them.

If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be?: Anyone with a sharingan. Its a useful bloodline limit.
If you were given the chance to permanently become part of the Naruto-verse (as "yourself"), would you take it?: Yes. Why not.


Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?: Shino. I'm fine with Shino, but i just don't like insects.
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently:
1. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/758586.html?view=8350778#t8350778
2. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/762364.html#cutid1
3. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/761878.html?view=8351254#t8351254

regular: genma, &restamp

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