Name: Lupin
Age: 18
Gender: Female
I got Shizune last time, but I would like to see who else I am/or might be because while I am happy with the result, I don't know, she just doesn't seem to click with how I see myself, although there is a lot of her in me. But if I get her again, then I shall complain no more.
Likes: Anime, Anzen Chitai, art, Artemis Fowl, books, book binding, cacti, cleaning, coffee, computers, collecting glass bottles, Japanese fans, rocks, and chopsticks, computer repair, DBSK, drawing, Epik High, graphics, history, HTML, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, listening to music, manga, music and music history, Naruto, organizing, painting, pianos, poetry, rain, reading, snow, studying, trees, violins, web designing, writing, yaoi.
Dislikes: Being dragged around, late, lied to, useless, or wrong, bitter foods, cold coffee, crying, disorganization, failing, falling, forgetting, grammar and spelling errors, harassment, heights, hot days/weather, humidity, hurting others, jerks, letting myself or others down, liars, loosing, making mistakes, manipulators, messed up HTML/CSS, seeing others hurt, stupid fashions like pants hanging down and chests popping out of shirts, thieves, tripping, unfinished business, wasting time/resources.
What do you feel is your best quality?:
My ambition/stubbornness.
Overall, people will say that I am hardworking, polite, studious, and perpetually cheerful. This is because for years, people have assumed that I cannot do much because I am a girl, and for other reasons (aside from that), have put low expectations on me. I got fed up with this early on, and I have been striving to prove them wrong since. I know that if I want to achieve any of my dreams, I need to push myself to be the most resilient, hardworking, intelligent, and skilled person that I can be, because if I don’t, then who will? I also know that having a cruddy attitude will inhibit myself, which is why I strive to keep a realistic if not optimistic attitude on life (and my failures).
And it doesn’t make much sense to me to be ambitious and all but to be completely alone too, so I am working to become a better person and to make friends with people who will not help me get places, but who will be the kind of friends people just need, and be that same person to them as well.
Your worst?:
My impatience.
I can pick up a lot of things quickly/easily, and that is when I start asking a lot of questions or answering a lot of questions. Teachers really dislike this then because other students then rely on me to answer instead of themselves and because once I understand something, I start to work ahead or do something else that might not be related to the lesson. This causes problems for me in other places as well, such as when I am told to do something: sometimes I don't fully listen to the instructions because I just want to go and do it already, so I am either left going, "Ah... what was I supposed to do?", or I forget to do something or I do it incorrectly. I also tend to get frustrated easily because of this.
Pet Peeves:
Cracking knuckles and/or other joints, dogs barking for hours on end, incorrect watches, lights and sounds when I am trying to sleep, messes, smoking/smokers, those who assume things about me, boss me around, invade my personal space, and/or think they can get me to do whatever they want me to.
Dreams & Ambitions:
Currently, my goals are to get one or two jobs and earn a lot of money, and then save that money, and then go to college in San Francisco with English as my major and Education as my minor, taking some art/computer classes on the side for fun. Then coming back to my high school and haunting the hallways as a teacher instead of a student and freaking out my old teachers. XD
I would also like to learn to speak French fluently, learn Korean and Japanese, and publish some more poems, if not get a story completed and published.
Personality in 5 words or less: Ambitious, intelligent, polite, stubborn, studious.
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Element: Earth
Favorite Naruto character & why:
Naruto, the main character. Not just because he's the main character, I'd like him no matter what because he is just a ball of sunshine that is never put out for long. You just can't destroy this guy's hopes, dreams, and determination no matter what you do to him, and I admire him for that. He also tries really hard in anything that he does, tries his best to keep his promises, and always stands up for himself, his friends, and ideals. He is just strong through and through, and just gets stronger and more passionate about life every day.
Mature or Immature: Mature, even though the immature side of me might come up every once in a while. It doesn't last that long though.
Leader or Follower: Earlier in life, I would say that I was a total follower (aka sheep). But these days, I would have to say that I am a leader, although "loner" might be a better word. I don't capsize it, but I do like to rock the boat occasionally, even though I go with the flow most of the time.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I am a mostly middle ground kind of person-people have told me that I am thus realistic. But I am slightly more optimistic than pessimistic.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious. Very cautious. I don't like doing anything without knowing why I am doing it and what will come of it. This way of thinking can make me seem "impulsive" from time to time, but really, I've heavily considered it before I did it.
Outgoing or Shy: I would say introverted. I am not shy anymore, but I am not an energetic and "outgoing" person either. I'd much rather keep to myself and my own thoughts kthxbai.
Hardworking or Laid-back: Hardworking of course. I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am now if I wasn't. Not much has come easily for me other than my talents, but even still, I've always had this need to do more and be better.
Hyper, Calm, or somewhere in-between: Pretty calm, even though I do get more animated if I am with people I am comfortable with, but certainly not hyper.
Modest or Bold: Modest in that I accept compliments with a grain of salt and never bost about myself, and bold in that I don't let people step all over me, and if ever in a conflict of some sort, I stand up for myself or others right away and am not one to back down or give up easily.
Lover or Fighter: *laughs* Neither really. Can we say diplomat? I dislike fighting because there really isn't ever a point to it than besides getting rid of pent up anger, and that never leads anywhere. However, I am not the type who would choose to not take action if that was an option or someone who would just blindly go into something without a reason or two.
You really don't like someone and find them in a heap of trouble. Would you ignore their pleas for help or give a helping hand?:
Sigh irritably and give them a hand, even though I would not stick around for thanks or anything. I would most likely say something along the lines of, "I didn't do it for you, I did it because it was the right thing to do."
When the going gets tough, do you stay your ground by yourself, call for help, or run away?:
Stand my ground by myself unless someone comes to help me, but I doubt that many people would. I certainly wouldn't run away.
Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting 10 minutes. What do you do?:
Put a hand on their shoulder, turn them a bit so they're facing me, and say that if they want to get into the line then they had better go to the back of it. Then somehow reclaim my place.
NARUTO VERSE; Naruto has been following you around all day, trying to get you to teach him a new secret move he saw you do that he thought was cool. What do you do?:
*laughs* He wouldn't follow me around all day because I would teach him the first time! I love sharing knowledge and helping others. Plus, it would be cool to see how well he could do it and how well I could teach him.
NARUTO VERSE; Would you rather be attacking up close and personal, hiding far off using a type of long range attacks, or not on the battle field at all?
Up close and personal. I like to get things done and over with quickly, and am not really one for beating around the bush. A part of me says, "If you ever get into a fight with me, you are going down!"
NARUTO VERSE; Your friend has joined the "dark side" and wants you to join them. More power and money, they say. Would you join them?
I would join them if only to make sure that they don't do something incredibly stupid, and have at least one person who would be there for them should something happen and make sure they don't go all insane.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:
My impatience. I need to learn to slow down a little bit for others and to not leave others behind as often as I do, and it causes a lot of problems for other people. I don't like it or the fact that I get frustrated because of it.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?:
The lack of compassion we have in the world-if we all were more compassionate, empathic and kinder to one another, that alone would set off a whole series of changes that would hopefully improve everything all over the place. Of course, that means having to change people and their mind sets, and that is an impossible thing to do unless they want to change in the first place.
If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be?:
Actually, thinking about this, I would not want to be any other character than myself. The personalities from the series are distinct and unique, and while I might be like someone, I don't think that I could be someone because they have pasts that have made them who they are. We know of a lot of their pasts, and it amazes me how they've been able to even live with such things weighing down on them. I don't think that I could bear that.
If you were given the chance to permanently become part of the Naruto-verse (as "yourself"), would you take it?:
HECK YES! Who wouldn't? Despite the danger and turmoil of the verse, I adore it all the same. Most likely because no one in there has gotten anywhere unless they worked for it in some way, shape or form. Think about it: except for bloodline limits, not one character has ever had an easy life or much handed to them, and even then, bloodline limits are tricky.
Is there any character that you strongly would disagree with being voted as?:
No one really. Except for maybe Orochimaru or Pain. I just don't see myself as being anything remotely close to resembling them because I just don't have whatever it takes to do all that they did - hurt others, use others, seek out vengeance and attempt to destroy others. I guess that I am too kind to do that, but I can see myself willing and able to do anything it takes to protect the ones I love and maybe myself.
Please link to 3 applications you've voted on recently: