Name: Cee
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. 2. 3. What are three positive adjectives that you would use to describe yourself (please try to go into some detail for each one!)?:
1. Level-headed; I don't lose my calm easily or panic.
2. Intelligent; I think this one is self-explanitory... I'm good at logic and reasoning... hell, I even like math.
3. Humorous: I've got a sense of humor and I don't like to take things too seriously. "Laid back" might be another way to say it.
What are three negative adjectives that you would use to describe yourself?:
1. Clumsy, both socially and physically. I say the wrong thing, I come across as an ice princess or a weirdo, and I drop stuff, bang myself up, ect.
2. Competitive: Sometimes it's a good thing, but when you turn every little thing into an argument for superiority, you'd be surprised how fast your friends get sick of you.
3. Insecure; I have incredibly low self-esteem sometimes (it hits me at weird moments), and then I get into the whole self-doubt thing... it's not fun.
Would others agree with the above adjectives? Would they possibly use different ones to describe you (and, if yes, which ones would you not be surprised to see)? I think so, but, then, I tried to pick ones that I thought were true, so maybe I'm wrong and I don't realize it. I don't think many would describe me as 'insecure'; I do a good job hiding that. I wouldn't be surprised to be described as either "arrogant", "quiet/shy", or "bitter". (I'm not bitter, by the way... I just come across as it because of my sense of humor.)
If YOU were able to create a ninja village, what symbol would you want on your forehead protector? A Triforce... 'cause I'm too nerdy for my own good. I would get my lulz, and if someone asked, I could come up with some crap about Wisdom, Power, Courage.
What type of weather and/or which season do you prefer? I love all the seasons, honestly. I'd need to live in a place that had all of them, none of this tropical rainy/dry season business. My favorite weather is right before and after a rainstorm. Before you can feel the storm coming and it's exciting, afterward everything seems mysterious and hazy. Both make the air seem magical.
What type of location do you see yourself more likely to live in (for example: near water, in the desert, near a forest, etc.)? Mountain Forest, secluded, surrounded by nature, utterly beautiful.
Would you like ninja training in your village to be harsh in order for the strongest to advance, or would you rather it be more forgiving of mistakes? I'd be forgiving... I don't have it in me to be harsh.
Speaking of missions, would you prefer only hard or advanced missions for all of your resident ninja or would you not mind them participating in simpler errands if need be? Simpler ones are fine for two reasons: 1) The village could use the money, 2) It gives newbies good experience so they don't bungle the more difficult missions
Would you prefer living in a more populated and busy village, or one more rural/country-like? More populated; there's more diversity (restaurants, people, ect) and more room for anomity (I live in a small town, and it's hard when everyone knows who you are. Also, if you don't get along with anybody, you're not going to meet someone else.)
All hidden villages have a leader...what kind of leader would you most respect and why? The kind who cares for their village and tries to do what's best for the people there. They can't let their own emotions or interests get in the way of their people's lives.
Would you prefer it if your village's leader had almost total power and control over the workings of the village, or shared it with some kind of council? For a ninja village, I'd prefer one person to have the power so that decisions can be reached quickly and efficiently. Of course, there would have to be a way to overthrow the leader if they turned out to be corrupt, otherwise things could get out of hand.
Anything else?: Sorry about all the apps from me... I just joined last month.