I'm going to be the Hokage apparently.

Jun 02, 2008 20:40

Name: Alice
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/672595.html#cutid1
2. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/672445.html#cutid1
3. http://community.livejournal.com/ninjafy/672896.html#cutid1

What would you say are some of your strengths?:
I am completely independent.I can get things done and sorted on my own,as well as to a high standard.I am intelligent,creative and inventive so a lot of the time I don't actually have to put much time or effort into something for it to look good.Work in that respect comes very easy to me.However (this should really be put in my weaknesses section),I often act stubborn and irrationally towards receiving any help, even though it might be the more intelligent option.

I would class myself as intelligent as I said before, and can come up with decisions or plans on the spot.I am a very quick thinker in that respect, my mind is always turned on.I have a very persistent and determined personality.If I have an idea, I will make sure I see it through until the end.Even if it's wrong (which I then probably wouldn't admit to anyway.) So in that respect I am also quite ambitious, I like to push the boundries.I therefore I have a very open minded and progressive outlook on life, and will try anything.I will speak my opinions even if they offend.Friends have come to terms with the fact that I am honest, blunt and opinionated.I'm assuming they appreciate it as I am then willing to defend them at all costs if they are an innocent party in an argument or another similar situation.


I really only become interested in something if it directly effects me in a positive way or if I am already personally interested in the matter in the first place.I take out my anger and stress on the nearest person to me.Though it's also the level of hurt I inflict when I let out my anger on said person that is obviously not a good thing.I am very,very cruel and extremely vulgar.I've been told that it's actually my unwillingness to apolagise or recognise that I was wrong afterwards is, if more, irritating.I find slight joy in acting cruelly or sadistic towards people, even friends.So of course, those apparent friends do not look so kindly on such behaviour from me.Though I really do not care, which of course upsets them more.I am completely unwilling to change that part of me.

Having ridiculously high standards as I do proves a problem.A lot of the time even I can't satisfy my own standards, so it is very difficult for other people to do so.Whilst I can accept that someone has done their best I always expect a level of work from someone else of which I could achieve myself.Which does make me rather frustrated, leaving me to become very angry with people often for no good reason.

I am a complete perfectionist. I believe that anything less then what I consider to be perfect,is completely unacceptable. Which,yes in a sense is a good thing as it can drive you to do your very best. However,it can deeply hinder you as well. As I have found out on numerous occasions.It also makes me appear to have a rather large ego and come across as arrogant.Which I know are bad traits, but do not necessarily bother me.

I am also extremely self-destructive. Sometimes when a piece of work isn't up the the standard I intended,I will gladly rip it to shreds rather than give it in despite the amount of time spent on it.This obviously relates to the perfectionism as well.If one little thing is wrong with something I usually act as if it's the end of the world.

I cannot stand being lead my someone who is unwilling to get the task done to a high standard.I myself have high standards and feel that if I am not the one taking lead everything will be one big mess.I suppose that could suggest I have a rather controlling personality but I am honestly the majority of the time surrounded by people who just are not as...capable as myself.It frustrates me as I like to get things done well.If we do it my way,we as a group will succeed and everyones happy.However as I said before that can piss some people off as it comes across that I am dismissing their ideas and input.Which I am.

Would you say you're more of a...
Loner or Team Player?: I am so very much a loner.
Fighter or Lover?: Fighter.I work well in the midst of conflict.I can handle it smoothly and being a fighter rather then a lover is almost second nature.
Leader or Follower?: leader.
Optimist or Pessimist?: Pessimist.

What's your usual energy level on any given day?: I would generally say medium.There is very little during week days that gets my blood pumping, yet I prefer to be on the verge so I can jump into action if need be.
How mature would you probably say you were?: I would say quite mature as I have been forced to grow up rather fast.I have had to deal with my younger brother a lot which has forced me to be the mature one. However, I can very easily switch to being immature if I fighting a losing battle so to speak.
...Do you think others would agree?: Yes.

SCENARIO-TIME: All right, congratulations...you are now a ninja in the Naruto-verse! Boy, that was quick! Now it's time to take a few minutes out of your busy shinobi schedule to answer a few questions, if you don't mind.

How do your picture your Ninja Academy days?: Much like my own school life.Repetitive, boring and unchallenging.Full of idiots who I felt nothing towards then, and feel nothing towards now.Also, again like my own school life, someone who excelled without putting too much effort in.
What kind of missions would you really enjoy going on?: Most probably assassinations.They require stealth, cunning, speed, manipulation and intelligence.Plus, it's unlikely you would have a team to worry about.I wouldn't be able to stand having anyone holding me back.
...Which ones would make you cringe?: The sort that the younger genins would have to do.Cleaning, catching stray and rabid animals etc The thought of such mundain
tasks bores me to tears.

Would you mind following orders...or would you prefer to be the one giving them?: I have serious leader issues so I would say that i'd prefer to give them.However, if at all possible I would rather have only myself to answer to.So I could make my own decisions based on the best course of action for myself.I could possibly answer to a somewhat loose leader who doesn't really have complete control over their subordinates.As in, he/she lets them go astray a bit.

Does the prospect of being an "elite" appeal to you?: The prospect of being elite and strong is appealing, even elite and somewhat feared.The idea of being elite and admired doesn't really appeal as it doesnt gain anything.
Would you mind having to do lots of paper and administrative work?: A small amount would not bother me.A lot would as I find it difficult to sit down and do hours upon hours of written work that doesn't interest me.
Would you want to be connected closely with your village...or be able to move about more freely?: Definitely move about more freely. I don't have much value placed upon things such as where I grew up or where my family is.The only link I would want to sustain would be the actual link with my family.That only being my brother and mum however.
What would be your views on groups like ANBU?: The ANBU are intriguing at best.The mystery surrounding them is enough to make the younger ones stare in awe but I believe they could be a lot more ruthless and efficient.They have a lot to live up to.

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