Name: Bianfu aka "2 Seconds"
Age: 19
Gender: I prescribe to the fairer sex. kthanx.
How many stampings have you had at
This ish my first time, ne!
Likes: HALLOWEEN. odd humor, seven-eleven slooshies, pixie stix, strong handshakes, tattooes, swimming, dogs, military history (specifically sea warfare), extended metaphors, romantic stories of chivalry and courage, and Asian languages.
Dislikes: Hospitals, sad endings, having to sit still for too long, wasted potential. But most of all I despise disloyalty.
Favorite quote/lyric/saying & why:
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
I heard this once many years ago and since then it has stuck with me as sort of a moral compass on how to treat others. We all have our rough days, who is to say that the stranger you hold the door open for was having one of the worse days of his life? It's all about compassion and empathy. As cheesy as it sounds, putting yourself in another's shoes might show you an invisible battlefield.
What do you feel is your best quality?: I have this protective nature that sort of dominates my actions. I can't stand disloyalty because its not part of how I function. I will sacrifice everything for those I love, no questions asked. I believe in the power of positive thinking and dedication. I never shy away from hard work, and will rise to face any challenge thrown my way. Push me down, I will get back up swinging.
Your worst?: They don't call me "2 Seconds" for nothing. Sometimes my high energy leads me to making hastey decisions. I am a bit unpredictable, prone to leaping headlong into some pretty awkward situations.
For the following section, please pick one or the other. Even if you show both traits, please pick the one that you feel you are most like, and if possible explain why you think you are more of this way.
Mature or Immature?: Probably more on the immature side because I tend to crack jokes when I am nervous and I have been known to hold a grudge or be totally irrational about things (like my general distrust towards people who don't like the Beatles).
Leader or Follower?: My goal is to one day serve my country as a political leader. I want to make a difference in the future. I tend to take charge in most situations but I think it is mostly because I can be so loud and outspoken.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Totally optimistic. I mean I have my moments of being totally bummed out (guess that makes me human, GASP!) but negativity doesn't accomplish anything. I can't stand inaction, and would rather be productively trying to work around a problem then sit around and complain.
Impulsive or Cautious: I lean towards being impulsive but I would like to think it can be attributed to my fun and spontanious personality! . . .ahaha. . . Right?! *COUGH*
Outgoing or Shy: People are always shocked when I say I am really shy on the inside. I am really vocal and generally bubbly, I love to talk and make friends but I tend to avoid talking about anything too personal about myself. People don't need to know about my inner issues, I would much rather focus on helping others work through their's.
What color would you say you are and why?: Lime green. It sums me up: Unorthodox, a little obnoxious, and just not everyone's cup of tea.
Do you play any instruments? Nah.
If you do, which one(s)? If not, which would you play? I have always wished I could play the violin, but my family never had the money for me to take classes let alone buy an instrument. It is such a beautiful instrument though and I have always been fascinated of how really good violinists seem to be swept away by their art when they play, its as if they are throwing their entire soul into each melody.
Number one goal in life: To one day enter the political arena as a Naval Officer. I am in the military right now because I love serving my country but my goal is to one day make it up to the big dogs and have a voice in what happens.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I wish I was as talented as my peers. The school I go to is really competitive and sometimes I feel like I am simply not as gifted as the people around me. Everyone has so much natural talent, whereas I have to struggle through everything.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?:
I wish that poverty and loneliness could be stricken from the face of the earth.
That's all. Just think of the millions of lives that would benefit in an instant if there
were no more days of hunger, if everyone knew that there was someone out there
who loved them. World peace may seem like a bit of cliche, so forget about peace,
I wish I could make everyone's existence just a tad bit more bearable.
If you could become any character from the series for one day - 24 hours - who would it be?
That is a tough decision, but I would have to say Itachi Uchiha, if only so I could go jump off a cliff. A very large cliff. A cliff so large that if I was able to survive it would leave Itachi Uchiha in a vegetable state.
If you were given the chance to permanently become part of the Naruto-verse (as "yourself"), would you take it?: Why not? I love adventure and since I am in the military already becoming a ninja would be the best transition for me. It would be such a blast going on missions and use all those fun jutsu. I would probably spend my spare time making up new and weird (i.e. useless) jutsu.
How did you find this community?: Randomly searching.
Anything else?: I've got a pack of batman gummies and they are the yummies. Num num num.