This is a new team!

Dec 03, 2009 22:03


Name: Crystal.
Age: 18.
Likes: Anime, manga, video games, reading, writing, singing, doing random stuff, and of course MUSIC.
Dislikes: The stupid things that people do. Talking just to hear themselves talk, assuming they're right when they're wrong, shoving their opinions onto others, being disrespectful and ungrateful, etc etc.
What do you feel is your best quality?: I'm honest about my opinion when I'm asked it. I don't go out of my way to shove my thoughts onto others, but when they want to know what I think, I tell them like it is with nothing held back. I tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.
Your worst?: I really have no idea how to express the way I feel. A lot of the time, I stay silent even when I know I should say something. When I like someone, I act like I'm back in elementary school and hit them randomly, just to have some kind of contact. When I have a fight with someone, I try and work things out rationally instead of expressing how I actually feel, which later results in me exploding on them. Just...basically, I'm no good with feelings. ;___;
Rank yourself on how evil you are. #10 being most evil. LMAO. About....a 6? Maybe 7?

You'd prefer team mates who are more...
Mature or Immature?: Mature.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic.
Thinking or Feeling?: Feeling.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive.
Outgoing or Shy?: Not shy, but more quiet...
Hardworking or Laid-back: Laid-back.
Modest or Bold: BOLD. I hate modesty. XDD

What are traits you would like to see in them? I'd like them to be honest, able to confront me about anything, and the type that doesn't stress out over the small things but can kick some ass when it's needed.
What are traits you would not like to see in them? Whining, crying, airhead, lazy, shy, and dishonest.

Imagine yourself as a ninja...:
How would the relationship with your teammate(s) be? We'd work very well as a team on missions and whatnot, but honestly, I don't care if we get along as friends or not. We'd just have a very good working relationship.
What would you do if a team member decided to go to the "dark side"? I'd let them go. It's their business, not mine. I'd be angry, sure, but in the end it's their decision.
How would you feel if your team was given a tough mission? Excited. I live for challenges.
Your preferred fighting style? (Weapons, long-range, genjutsu, element and so on) Weapons and elements. Close range, and lots of speed and strength.

Do you want a sensei and 2 members, just 2 other members, or just 1 other person? Just one other person, I think. Or maybe two, I don't mind.
Is there a character you do not want? If so, why? Well....I'll let you guys pick. :)


Please link to 5 applications you've voted on recently:

&team application

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