Preternatural Deductions

Jan 17, 2010 01:00

I was in my second viewing of the Sherlock Homes movie, when this hit me between the eyes...

Thanks to my friends on IM that helped me with the little bits of background lore that I couldn't quite remember.

And, thanks to Ithildyn for the help with the title.

What if Sherlock Holmes lived in the same universe that eventually gave birth to Anita Blake? )

holmes, fic

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Comments 13

ithildyn January 17 2010, 08:09:24 UTC
I can see this!


ninjababe January 18 2010, 15:57:28 UTC
It works so well... [sigh]


catyuy January 17 2010, 08:34:16 UTC
Oh I like this idea very much.


ninjababe January 18 2010, 15:57:58 UTC
The only problem is, I don't think I could take it much farther...


strangevisitor7 January 17 2010, 16:58:01 UTC
I don't know the Anita Blake Universe but i like the idea of Holmes dealing with supernatural cases


beccadg January 18 2010, 01:15:13 UTC
Heh, I already told Nine if she likes the idea of Holmes and vampires I recommend Fred Saberhagen's novels about Holmes and Dracula beginning with The Holmes-Dracula File. I can add though, since you mentioned a more general interest in Holmes dealing with supernatural cases, you should check out a modern short story collection like The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.


ninjababe January 18 2010, 16:01:51 UTC
Really, the only thing that makes it Anita Blake universe, since I didn't end up using one of the vampire characters that would be wandering around at that time period... Anyway, the only thing that makes it Anita Blake is that the supernatural is almost common place. Weres, vampires, real witches, and zombies etc, are known by the populous... If I remember correctly, the Salem Witch Hunt actually did get a few actual witches in that universe... Could be wrong though. I stopped reading the books long ago.

Watson: The case of the mysteriously strong dock worker.
Holmes: He's a werewolf. Next case!


agilebrit January 17 2010, 21:53:11 UTC

This needs to be novel-length fic. Right now.


ninjababe January 18 2010, 16:03:21 UTC
Yes, it needs to be novel-length. But, I just don't think I'm up to writing Holmes... All the logic and deductions! I've never been good at mystery writing. I might open it up to whoever wants it though.

I love the icon! It fits so well... :)


beccadg January 18 2010, 00:52:27 UTC
Heh, if you like the idea of Sherlock Holmes and vampires I recommend Fred Saberhagen's novels about Holmes and Dracula beginning with The Holmes-Dracula File.


ninjababe January 18 2010, 16:04:23 UTC
Thanks! I may have to look that up...


beccadg January 19 2010, 09:14:49 UTC
You're welcome. It's been a bit since I read them, but I'm pretty sure he did two or three novels featuring Sherlock Holmes and Dracula all of which I thought were a blast. Kim Newman's Anno Dracula only mentions Sherlock in passing. It has more of Mycroft Holmes and Moriarty. Did you see my mention elsewhere in this thread of the modern short story collection The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes? I haven't read it yet myself, but it sure looks like a great collection.


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