Here is where you will find the application form for this RP; if you have any questions feel free to instant message me at "himesasuke" and I will answer any and all questions when I get them, thanks.
Once you fill out the application-- post it as a reply and I will look it over the moment I get it.
No slacker mods!
Copy and paste the application form, and then fill in your information.
Once you've been accepted:
1. Create a new livejournal for your character -- or modify and clean out an old journal-- but this journal must be only for THIS SL
2. Copy and paste your character profile into your lj profile for easy reference.
3. Join the SL'
RP and
OOC community.
Friend add the other members of the community.[ UNDER WORKS ]
Thank you for looking into this community, we hope it will be ever improving.