One of the things I like about writing...

Jun 08, 2012 12:32

...or maybe I should say story telling...

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thinky thoughts, legolas/eowyn, writing

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Comments 12

curiouswombat June 8 2012, 12:16:52 UTC
Hurrah! It is so good when the way forward suddenly appears.

And an even louder hurrah that it is Winter Magic that the thinky thought has come for.


ningloreth June 9 2012, 00:01:11 UTC
It's like I've conquered a phobia!


luscious_words June 8 2012, 12:32:00 UTC
I do love it when the muses/inspiration strikes. It makes the storytelling so much easier. :)


ningloreth June 9 2012, 00:11:36 UTC
Yes, it makes it invigorating instead of exhausting!


luscious_words June 9 2012, 00:16:27 UTC
*nods* Yes, yes, yes. So many times when I've tried to push myself to write something, I end up feeling like it's a tedious chore that I despise. But if I find something I really enjoy, then I'm good to go.


girlingoldboots June 8 2012, 12:56:05 UTC
Yay! Sometimes all it takes is sitting on it for a while.


ningloreth June 9 2012, 00:12:21 UTC
A long while, LOL. But I never really give up on anything :-)


syien_island June 8 2012, 18:18:36 UTC
Wow, has it been that long?!


ningloreth June 9 2012, 00:17:17 UTC
The last chapter was posted on 6 October 2009!


bunn June 8 2012, 19:41:36 UTC
I think you are right that's storytelling, not writing! Storytelling is such fun when it all suddenly starts to flow : writing is much duller, I think even if you need to do both to get to the end.

Glad to hear it's all coming together: that snippet sounds very intriguing.


ningloreth June 9 2012, 00:20:31 UTC
Thank you :-)

I actually enjoy writing -- and, especially, revising -- when it's going well, but the storytelling is the bit that feels like a gift from the gods.


bunn June 9 2012, 08:36:33 UTC
You strange (and lucky) person!

I think I prefer, really, telling a story visually, but it's hard to tell a long or complex story that way, so I have to break out into words. :-D


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