"Style is largely a technical matter appreciated by specialists"

Feb 24, 2010 22:10

Oh man, is this annoying:

"4. Remember that nobody agrees on what a beautiful prose style is and most readers either can't recognize 'good writing' or don't value it that much. Believe me, I wish this were otherwise, and I do urge all readers to polish their prose and avoid clichés. However, I've seen as many books ruined by too much emphasis on style as by too little. As Leonard himself notes at the end of his list, most of his advice can be summed up as, 'if it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.' Or, as playwright David Hare put it in his list, 'Style is the art of getting yourself out of the way, not putting yourself in it.' But whether you write lush or (please!) transparent prose, keep in mind that in most cases, style is largely a technical matter appreciated by specialists. You probably don't go to movies to see the lighting and photography, and most readers don't come to books in search of breathtaking sentences."

And most people don't listen to music for the notes.  What on earth does she think books are made of?

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