Meanwhile, back in the day....(Fourth Doctor) (and some HHGTTG)

Feb 26, 2008 15:03

I've been having a crisis of Doctor-love; it seems I overloaded a bit on Nine, can't bear to look in Ten's direction just yet, and need to catch up on RL stuff anyway. Look who comes to the rescue - none but Tom Baker! The first Doctor I saw, the only one I remember from before New Who, and as I now find, a HUGELY warm and fuzzy source of nostalgic ( Read more... )

doctor who, hitchhiker's guide, video

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Comments 3

phlebotnum February 26 2008, 20:54:02 UTC
Might I also recommend "Genesis of the Daleks" for TB fun? I just got disc one from Netflix and it's absolutely hilarious. It's kind of cool to know who Davros is now (I know very little about classic who).


ninesbiggestfan February 26 2008, 20:57:00 UTC
oh man. I forgot that one! Yes, it is hilarious, and it's also crucial Who mythology! One realizes why Baker had such a long and beloved run as Doctor No. 4. :D


nina_ds February 27 2008, 00:04:20 UTC
It's funny, I have vague memories of Who from childhood (mostly Davison and both Bakers), but I remember not liking Tom Baker at all - I just thought he was obnoxious and silly. But recently, I've been rewatching and discovered that I quite like him early on. It's around the "Key of Time" series where he starts getting silly (evidently, about the time he was drinking seriously), and that's where I start not to like him very much. Ironically, early Four reminds me of Nine; late Four reminds me of Ten!

But since I've been rewatching, it's been Two who really does it for me among the originals. I can't help it - I'm always most drawn to the ones played by actors as opposed to entertainers (I'm just starting some One episodes, and it holds true - One is a very interesting character so far!).

That version of HHGTTG is brilliant! It's just so pitch perfect; even the goofy SFX and primitive graphics work. And David Dixon (Ford Prefect) is in the Robin Hood I was gushing over in my LJ over the weekend.


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