huh, just recently had the urge to start writing actual entries to this journal...I hope my watch-list doesn't mind ^^;
journal entries are probably mostly gonna be about my fandoms anyways, with little bits and pieces of info/summaries on magazines and clips
and thus, ignore this cut if you're not interested in my ramblings )
Comments 1
kukuku, you do realize now that you officially offered Fly Daddy Fly on your lj publicly, I will now never cease to remind/bug you about it, right? =D
Hmm... TRASHMASTRAUNT either sounds like it could go terribly wrong for me or I might surprisingly end up liking it... I'm wary of allegories in my entertainment, especially in books *kicks One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest* Speaking of which, I can't find information about this show (movie?) anywhere... *nudges* =D
It will never cease to amuse me that Okada Junichi likes FMA. (You think he'll end up reading Demon's Lexicon for the cover? *shifts eyes*)
Ah... Merlin. I dunno, I mean, I thought it was b00tiful crack, but... I couldn't get into it? Perhaps it's the episodic feel of the show or something... ^^;;;
Being Human WILL BE RENEWED FOR A SECOND SEASON. *determined face*
Oh! btw, um, Queen Seon-Duk comes out May 25th... ^^;; sry for the misinformation... ^^;;
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