Claims List

Jan 06, 2008 17:39

The claims list is now open!

This is the on-going claims list, and is separate from the fic exchange. To stake a claim to any prompt, simply comment below.

The Rules: You can claim up to five prompts, which can be used in 1-5 fics, as you choose. Please note that there is a minimum word count of 1,000 words per fic. If you want a prompt that someone else has claimed, you can still have it, provided that it is for a different character. See the FAQ for more details.

Prompts List
This list is ongoing.

1. Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active. (Edith Hamilton)

2. When men destroy their old gods they will find new ones to take their place. (Pearl S. Buck)

3. "Who asked you to play God?"
"Every damn patient who comes through that door, that's who. People come to doctors because they want us to be gods."
- (Claimed by thecolourclear for House MD: House and Wilson)
- (Claimed by ruuger for ER: Luca Kovac)

4. "Gods by the bushel! Gods by the pound! Gods for all occasions!"

5. "I've seen a lot of reflected gods today. And I'm wondering how we can keep believing in them, when they've stopped believing in us."

6. Kyrie eleison. Christi eleison. ("Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.")
- (Claimed by hossgal for Supernatural: Sam Winchester)

7. L'chaim! ("To life!")
- (Claimed by youngest_one for BSG 2003: general)

8. "If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do."
- (Claimed by skittythegreat for Angel the series: Angel & Spike)

9. "Can a goddess lose her faith? And what does a goddess put her faith in?"
- (Claimed by isilweth for DC Comics: Wonder Woman)
- Questions of Faith by merfilly (DC Comics: Wonder Woman)

10. "As it was in the beginning, is and ever shall be. World without end."

11. "What can be more soothing to a man's pride, and to his conscience, than the conviction that, in taking vengeance on his enemies for injustice done him, he has simply to do them justice in return?"
- (Claimed by bessemerprocess for Life: Charlie Crews)

12. "You'll know when you've found it because you'll feel it when they take it away."

13. "While wizards don't believe in gods, they know for a fact that gods believe in gods."
- (Claimed by SecondSilk for Harry Potter: Hermione Granger)

14. "I'm so lucky."
"Because, silly, God gave me you."

15. "How do I know? How do I know what's real?"

16. "Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe."

17. "I've never understood how God could expect his creatures to pick the one true religion by faith -- it strikes me as a sloppy way to run a universe."

18. "Most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes."

19. "That's the thing about faith. If you don't have it you can't understand it. And if you do, no explanation is necessary."

20. "A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything."
- (Claimed by bessemerprocess for Criminal Minds: Aaron Hotchner)

21. "A faith that cannot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets."

22. "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

23. "Faith is believing what you know ain't so."

24. "Faith is essentially intolerant ... essentially because necessarily bound up with faith is the illusion that one's cause is also God's cause."

25. "Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"

26. "We are a people of faith. We have been so secure in that faith that we have enshrined in our constitution protection for people who profess no faith. And good for us for doing so."

27. "For I have been with you since the beginning and I am that which is attained at the end of desire."

28. "We fall from womb to tomb, from one blackness and toward another, remembering little of the one and knowing nothing of the other...except through faith."

29. "The essence of faith is fewness of words and abundance of deeds."

30. "Every religion, as far as reason will help them, makes use of it gladly - and where it fails them, they cry out: 'It is a matter of faith, and above reason!'"

31. "Faith is a wondrous thing; it is not only capable of moving mountains, but also of making you believe that a herring is a race horse."

32. "Man is a narcissistic species by nature. We have colonized the four corners of our tiny planet. But we are not the pinnacle of so-called evolution. That honor belongs to the lowly cockroach. Capable of living for months without food. Remaining alive headless for weeks at a time. Resistant to radiation. If God has indeed created Himself in His own image, then I submit to you that God is a cockroach."
- (Claimed by lafemmedarla for Torchwood: general)

33. "I walked through fire and I didn't get burned."
- (Claimed by skittythegreat for Angel the series: Angel & Spike)

34. "We all imagine ourselves the agents of our destiny, capable of determining our own fate. But have we truly any choice in when we rise? Or when we fall? Or does a force larger than ourselves bid us our direction? Is it evolution that takes us by the hand? Does science point our way? Or is it God who intervenes, keeping us safe?"

35. "When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate, they call it zugunruhe. "A pull of the soul to a far off place," following a scent in the wind, a star in the sky. The ancient message comes calling the kindred to take flight and gather together. Only then they can hope to survive the cruel season to come. "
- (Claimed by shimere277 for Drake's Venture: Drake/Doughtie)

36. "You do not choose your destiny, it chooses you. And those that knew you before Fate took you by the hand cannot understand the depth of the changes inside. They cannot fathom how much you stand to lose in failure...that you are the instrument of flawless Design. And all of life may hang in the balance. The hero learns quickly who can comprehend and who merely stands in your way."
- (Claimed by shimere277 for Drake's Venture: Drake/Doughtie)
- (Claimed by skittythegreat for BtVS: general)

37. "The Earth is large. Large enough that you think you can hide from anything. From Fate. From God. If only you found a place far enough away. So you run. To the edge of the Earth. Where all is safe again. Quiet, and warm. The solace of salt air. The peace of danger left behind. The luxury of grief. And maybe, for a moment, you believe you have escaped."
- (Claimed by lafemmedarla for Dexter: general)

38. "I wish Destiny would lose our number."
- (Claimed by skittythegreat for BtVS: general)

39. "You take people, you put them on a journey, you give them peril, you find out who they really are."

40. "She could've lived to become a god...but it was more important to her that she die a human."
- (Claimed by bessemerprocess for Journeyman: general)

41. "No matter how hard we try..."
"...none of us dies forever."
- (Claimed by Ultrapsychobrat for Blake's 7: B/A)

42. "What is it that pulls a man apart... yet at the same time, holds him together? It is his soul. And whether good... or evil... or some combination of the two... no man can escape the dictates of his soul."
- (Claimed by skittythegreat for Angel the series: Angel & Spike)

43. "God will not place a burden on a man's shoulders knowing that he cannot carry it."
- (Claimed by liliaeth for Spider-man: general)

44. "How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?"

45. "I'll kill you if I have to...but speaking as someone who just got back from there, you really don't want to go."
- (Claimed by shimere277 for Drake's Venture: Drake/Doughtie)

46. "A God who cannot smile could not have created this humorous universe."

47. "They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse."

48. "If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."

49. "Never tell a young person that something cannot be done. God may have been waiting for centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossibility to do that thing."

50. "God is a concept by which we measure our pain."

51. "God is odd. He loves the odd."
- (Claimed by bessemerprocess for Criminal Minds: Emily Prentiss)

52. "Faith manages."

53. "When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change. He changes you."
- (Claimed by dodger_winslow for Supernatural: John Winchester)
- (Claimed by lilian_cho for Harry Potter: Lucius Malfoy)

54. "They that worship God merely for Fear would worship the Devil too, if he appear."

55. "An apology for the Devil; it must be remembered that we have only heard one side of the case. God has written all the books."

56. "Somebody tells a story, let's say, and afterward you ask, "Is it true?" and if the answer matters, you've got your answer."

57. "He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife."

58. "It's a logical assumption that, if you are told something enough times, or if you see something often enough, eventually it becomes incorporated into who and what you are."

59. "Scepticism is the beginning of Faith."

60. "When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly."
- (Claimed by avon7 for The West Wing: Sam Seaborn)
- (Claimed by avon7 for Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid)

61. "Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to."
- (Claimed by shimere277 for Drake's Venture: Drake/Doughtie)

62. "As we grow older, it becomes difficult to just believe. It's not that we don't want to, but too much has happened that we just can't."

63. "Let me know that you hear me. Let me know your touch. Let me know that you love me. Let that be enough."

64. "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much."
- (Claimed by youngest_one for Heroes: general)
- (Claimed by avon7 for The West Wing: Jed Bartlet)

65. "Let's have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."

66. "Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it."

67. "There must be somewhere it doesn't happen like this,
Where reparation is made, a tous compris,
Where the drowned men rise, walk back from the boats in the evening.
And the lost child sings on her new-made father's knee,

I say:

For at least six million reasons or else no reason
And nothing to be."
- (Claimed by thecolourclear for The West Wing: general)
- (Claimed by melliyna for The West Wing: Jed Bartlet)

68. "We lie down in the fields and leave behind
the corpses of angels."
- (Claimed by lafemmedarla for Angel the Series: general)

69. "You've been a long time making up your mind,
O Lord, about these madmen
Running the world."

70. "Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die."
- (Claimed by ishtaritu for NCIS: Kate Todd)

71. "We commit what we do not commit,
and we do not commit what we commit.
Somewhere there is a terrible silence.
Towards that we gravitate."

72. "I am the song that sings the bird... I am the word that speaks the man."

73. "Some days, although we cannot pray, a prayer utters itself."
- (Claimed by bravenewcentury for House, M.D.: Robert Chase)

74. "Who I am? / In the back of my awareness I find words
I will call myself... / GOD
And I will spend the rest of forever / Trying to figure out who I am"

75. "To become is just like falling asleep / You never know exactly when it happens
The transition / The magic
And you think, if you could only recall that exact moment / Of crossing the line
Then you would understand everything / You would see it all"

76. "Perhaps I was always / Forever here...
And I just forgot / I imagine Eternity would have that effect
Would cause a certain amount of drifting / Like omnipresence would demand omniabsence"

77. "See, I need to be strong / Need to be brave
I need to put faith in something / How could I live on
Not hoping we will meet / Again?"

78. "They say that we're really the same you and I / And I truly do agree
You see / Just like me
You live for me / Until the day you die"

79. "Man is shattered / I am shattered
My shards have become shards of their own / Pieces of pieces, impossible to put back together
Spending their lives seeking a context they were always a part of
And so, they leave the context / And we shrink / I fade"

80. "Searching for yourself is like looking for the house you stand in
How could you possibly find it? / It's everywhere
It's all you know / And there are no other points of reference"

81. "I will stay on my own / On this bloodstained throne
I rule the ruins and wrecks / And the dirt and the dust and the stone
I'm the ruler of rage rod and rust / And the rattling of bones
Ruler of ruin..."

82. "What happens when we find out that God's an atheist?"

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