The tale, then, of a confused, contemporary young person, a young man overlooked by the public, a person of meagre accomplishments, a person of bad temperament, but a guy who nonetheless has a very large collection of compact discs!.
Rick Moody, 'Wilkie Fahnstock: The Boxed Set'
Tell me about it. I'm currently reading Rick Moody's collection Demonology. It has one good story ('Boys') and is intermittently interesting but really not worth the effort. It has a certain homogenic quality plus it suffers from a severe excess of italicisation. It is a shame because I have previously
really enjoyed his stuff.
In other news, it is the launch issue of the midi Observer today! *mild squee* Both parts of this post are combined in this Observer
review of Moody's new novel. Key quote:Though not the worst writer in the world, Moody is a contender for the most exhausting.