The Porch Wall Tale

Oct 07, 2010 13:35

As you all know, I tend to obsess. My latest obsession is what I like to call the tale of the porch wall. So, let me entertain you bore you to death with it...

When watching Supernatural, have you ever wondered how Sam and Dean choose the places they visit? Supernatural events, you say? Uncanny occurences? Well, you're almost right. But the truth is, they seek out those tiny little architectural themes that make them feel right at home.

Let's have a look at episode 3.02 (The Kids Aren't Alright). Notice that wall on the outside when Sam is sitting in the diner? THAT is why Sam picked that particular restaurant. I swear.

Don't believe me? Well, how come the gus picked a hotel with the exact same porch wall in episode 3.11 (Mystery Spot) then?

Okay, yeah. That doesn't prove anything. After all it might be coincidence. Except, in episode 3.14 (Long Distance Call) the guys picked yet another motel with yet the same porch wall. See for yourself.

See my point? There's more if you need more proof. For example episode 4.04 (Metamorphosis) - oh yeah, it's not a one season thing. It's a long term commitment. And you might have to look a little closer, the wall's hidden behind leaves. But it IS there.

And came back for season 5 as well. For example in episode 5.07 (The Curious Case of Dean Winchester). Still a little leafy, but more visible.

And, trust me, the guys really fell in love with the wall in this season, because from here on, they went nuts with revisiting it. Like in the very next episode, 5.08 (Changing Channels) - They even had it cleaned up for the sitcom scene.

Or episode 5.14 (My Bloody Valentine).

And, of course it got a special appearance in the 100th episode, right next to the nicely punny room number. (episode 5.18 - Point of No Return)

It even gets a double-door in the very next episode. (5.19 - Hammer of the Gods)

And if you thought that they wouldn't bring back the porch wall in season 6, you were wrong, buddy. Of course they did. In episode 6.02 (Two and a Half Men).

And, trust me, this will not be the last time that we've seen this wall. It's basically the fourth main character. Is it lame that I get excited every time I see it? Hnn. Maybe it is. All I know is that, once I get to build my own house, it'll have a porch wall, just like that. And all I'll have to do is wait for the Winchesters to show up at my front door. Uh-huh.

p.s.: I'm not sure if the wall appears in seasons 1 and 2 as well. It might, I only noticed it around season 3. But that doesn't mean it wasn't there before.

Also, if you liked this, the motel room in 5.01 has the exact same chairs as the diner in 4.19. I bet you could find those in some more episodes, too. And the motel room in 5.05 has the same star-shaped clock as the one that Dean destroys in 4.06. And there’s at least one more episode using that clock, but I don’t remember which one that was. Anybody wanna go check that? I’d love to hear more about that kinda stuff.

On the weirdo note: Dear Supernatural set designers, can I please be your intern? Pleasepleaseplease? I’ll work for free. And steal almost nothing. Okay, full on nothing. Promise. PLEASE? (By the way? I mean it, if you read this, please contact me)

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