Holy Slash, Batman!

Apr 23, 2007 23:02

I'm sick and bored so I went around lurking in some of my saved favorite sites and I found this.

Batman did what? )

slash, comics

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Comments 3

darkpike April 24 2007, 12:00:13 UTC
I remember that site. I can't believe some of those pages.


nimenic April 25 2007, 21:32:50 UTC
How could the artist NOT see the I want to say subtext but some of them are just text?
It's a wonder some of these even got published.


darkpike April 26 2007, 11:41:28 UTC
I know, there's a Spiderman one where it clearly looks like he's being fisted. I'm starting to wonder if there were any gay men on the staff. I'm thinking not though, otherwise they would have realised straight away


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