Hello there!

May 03, 2011 23:09

I'm still here. If anyone was wondering.
I've just been a little busy with work, some school things and moving!

I finally have my OWN apartment.


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Comments 6

sueworld2003 May 3 2011, 21:26:16 UTC
*waves* Congrats on the apartment love. :D


nimenic May 3 2011, 22:05:16 UTC
Thank you! I've been wandering back and forwards in the small apartment arranging and then re-arranging everything. (mostly books) :) *hugs*


xenodike May 3 2011, 21:46:17 UTC
In stockholm? How did you get it, bought or rented? I'm 29 and living with my mom.... I've been in the "bostadskö" for four years!

It's freakling impossible if you don't want to buy one...

Good to see you!



nimenic May 3 2011, 22:08:24 UTC
I sleept my way to it. :)

Nä, för att ta det på svenska. JAg hade tur att få en lägenhet inte bara i stockholm men i innerstan. Detta för att den endast hyrdes ut till personer som var 25 år. Vilket jag är, i en månad till. Så kravet var att man skulle vara 25 när man flyttar in, sen får du bo där hur länge du vill. Så jag hade ren tur.



woman_of_ May 3 2011, 21:59:11 UTC
Great to get a post from you, take care of yourself *hugs*


nimenic May 3 2011, 22:09:25 UTC
Good to hear from you too. I will try to be a little more social here on lj.
Take care!!



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