Good afternoon! Man, you're lodging in some really dark places nowadays... Just to cheer you up, I shall add 'Loud cell phone gossiping on public transports' on your list, which should also include 'False election promises', but no politician would ever do that...
I will go with "Loud cell phones". I am not sure if it is physically possible to kill someone by shoving their cellphone up their ass, but I am prepared to give it a go. If the cellphone was heated to just below the melting point of the case it should have a mildly deleterious effect. Or if it exploded the next time it received a text message ...
Comments 4
Just to cheer you up, I shall add 'Loud cell phone gossiping on public transports' on your list, which should also include 'False election promises', but no politician would ever do that...
I will go with "Loud cell phones". I am not sure if it is physically possible to kill someone by shoving their cellphone up their ass, but I am prepared to give it a go. If the cellphone was heated to just below the melting point of the case it should have a mildly deleterious effect. Or if it exploded the next time it received a text message ...
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