Title: Ch.02 - Confusion
Pairing: Kato/?
Rating: PG-13
Length: Chapter
Genre: Slash, chapter, mystery, first person.
Warnings: It's pretty tame for the moment, but this story will get darker eventually, and will definitely deal with themes of Master/Slave, and possibly BDSM, and such. Obviously homosexuality, and intra-band relations :)
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Comments 39
I'm totally in love with this :)
love the story
I hope its PI :D
there should be more SHIGEPI <3
Do I need to drool over it some more to prove how much I like this fic? ;D [I can't really understand why I love the idea so much, but I do, so who cares anyway ;D ] And if you say those two were only kind of setup chaps then I wonder what's the real ride will be like *anticipating*
P.S. I send u mail, tho idk if u received it...
this is just toooo good! OMG! i love it~! i want to know who it it! >___< ahahahah.. i hope it's ryo~ lol.. XDD (or pi.. but i prefer ryo.. hahaha..but it still depends on you~ hehehe)
good job~ i love it~!
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LOVE IT! It's so suspenseful!
My mind's in overdrive, trying to figure out who it is. I have my suspicion that it's Ryo...to be honest he's the only one I can really see in that particular place.
I'd love it if it wer Massu or Koyama, but they're much to sweet to leave notes like that...so I'm guessing it's either Ryo or Tegoshi. Hmmm, *Thinks harder*
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