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Comments 15

xxbbq July 12 2012, 15:24:49 UTC
i love this jongin. so much. <3
like, this could actually be the jongin irl.
thank you for this! ;w;

turns out you're the same writer of that tao/vic, sehun/krystal i've read before~
i wish you could write more of these het pairings! i don't rly read het!fics except yours. ;n;


nileyna July 13 2012, 14:45:41 UTC
jongin is a huge mystery, really.

omg really i'm so flattered thank you so much. /sobs


kurdoodle July 12 2012, 19:45:17 UTC
Wow. I think you captured these two perfectly :) angsttt, yo


nileyna July 13 2012, 14:46:04 UTC
gotta love angst! thanks for reading, btw.


brightestshinee July 13 2012, 00:33:59 UTC
wow, just wow . Your pieces of writing have always been so beautiful, leyna.
I'm so happy because someone finally write kaisul and furthermore, you're the one out of anyone who write them because you're my favorite author! omg ;A;
*weeping in the corner*
just let me hug sulli ;A; I do understand her tbh because I think about her like that at times. you know like other than pretty face and pretty heart, what else? but, ofc without sulli fx isn't fx and that shows that she's important <3 Ugh, i love baby jinri <3
Kai, so much hate for him because all the attention he got. but, hey, he's talented. He has a jaw dropping dancing skills. at least people nee to give some respects.

Anyway, this is so gorgeous. Amazing leyna is amazing. Thank you for writing this! ;w;


nileyna July 13 2012, 14:47:35 UTC
oh, there you are! it's been a while since i've last seen you here.

although sulli doesn't have a major position in f(x), she's still what makes the group who they are. bb is very precious and important!

thanks for reading, love.


wintercreamed July 13 2012, 07:03:58 UTC
♥ this was so gorgeous. I don't know what else to say :3
/adds to fave fics/


nileyna July 13 2012, 14:47:51 UTC
really? omg thank you. ♥


nocyhal July 13 2012, 12:25:06 UTC
this is beautiful and so frickin' true it hurts.
and i always think this is what sulli always think of herself as well, not a miniscule amount of talent as the other girls in her groups. it's not entirely true, but it must be hurting her and her pride. love her nonetheless though
and kai, is a born-performer and idol. i think you describe him really well in this piece.


nileyna July 13 2012, 14:48:56 UTC
precisely. i wonder what goes on in her head. i hope she doesn't think so negatively, though.

and as for kai, he's a mystery, like i've said before. he's an amazing performer but underneath all that is so much more, i'm sure.

many thanks for your time!


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