The Jaxie Legacy, Generation 5 Part 2

Jun 21, 2010 10:49

:D Jaxifourus, expelliarmous!

Yes, don’t mind me and my bizarre harry potter type mood. Anywho, another chapter, again I would have liked to get this out a bit earlier but life is busy right now. Good news is that my holidays are less than two weeks away, which means more time to sim and hopefully more chapters and stuff! (: anyway, let’s read on -

So, let us start this chapter off with a quick house tour! Here’s the exterior (ooh look at me and my big words ;D)…

Here’s the little kitchen. It’s cozy, but it will do.

And the adjacent living area (again, big words :D)

I won’t bore you with pictures of the bathroom and other bedrooms, but I will show off Ollie’s jungle themed room just because I’m proud of it (:

What’s going on here?! I leave for ten seconds to check on Cupcake and Maple…
Horrie: “Nothing Nikki, everything’s under control! Don’t panic!”
What do you mean don’t panic?! You’ve broken like 10 things, and the emergency bell is ringing!
Horrie: “Oh shit!”

Horrie is so skilled he gets to drive the fire truck now! :D
Horrie: “Ooh is that a pony I see?!” :D
For the love of god EYES ON THE ROAD!

Horrie: “Oh ma god, they never told us we’d actually have to be near fire! How do you work this thing?!”

Horrie: “Maybe if I shut my eyes it will all go away..”
Man up Horrie! C’mon, all the ladies out there wanna see you do your thing! (;

That’s the spirit ;D

Everybody, meet Scooby, the newest Jaxie member! I love these clown fishies, they’re adorably awesome! LONG LIVE SCOOBY! :D

Cupcake: “Please do not tell me that cake is for me.”
No you idiot, why do you think you’re holding Ollie?

:D So far, so good!
Ollie: “Me adorable?”

Cupcake: “Nomnomnomnom! Mmm… Lifefruit…”
Well you better get used to it Cupcake! I have evil plans to keep you alive forever, mwahahaha >:)

Horrie: “Promotion.” (;
-swoons- :D

Maple: “Ow, ow, ow, ow.”
Oh yeah, Maple was pregnant again. Me forgot (:
bahahahahahahaha! ;D

Maple: “Oh, gee thanks mum. I’ve just gone into labor and all you can think about is saving your precious cake.”
Cupcake: “But, but the cake!”
Cupcake never ceases to amaze me ;D

And, after all that drama, the cake is fine...
Maple: “Ahem!”
Oh yeah, the baby!
Audience, meet Sampson Jaxie. So far he has the brave and athletic traits (possibly following in daddy’s fireman footsteps -squee!- :D) and likes kiddie music, stir fry and the colour red.

… But wait, there’s more!
Here’s Sampson’s twin, Sheldon Jaxie. He’s disciplined and perceptive, and likes kiddie music, spaghetti, and the colour of sea foam!

- And yes, I named him after Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon. I love him ♥ :D

Cupcake, she’s your daughter, relax! Just give her the fruits and we’ll be off.

Vivian: “Why, hello mother!” :D -insane grins-
Cupcake: “What’s with your eyes?”
CUPCAKE!... Just give her the fruit.
Cupcake: “Here’s your fruit.”
Vivian: “Thanks!” :D

Cupcake: “Heh heh heh!” >:)
What did you do?
Cupcake: “Nothing… Let’s just say that the fruits I gave her will teach her a lesson… BY MAKING HER HAIR FALL OUT! Mwahahaha!” >:D
Y’know she can still hear you Cupcake..
Vivian: -evil glares-
Cupcake: “Oh well, she knew it was coming. She should have known she couldn’t get away with stealing my hair!” >:)

-sighs- What have you done now?
Cupcake: “Nothing!” (:
Yeah right nothing. What are you hiding..?

Ollie: “Gramma gwave me bwooze!” :D
Well that doesn’t surprise me... CUPCAKE!

Cupcake: “Heh heh heh. That’ll teach him for vomiting on my favourite stockings!” >:)
Jeez, you are in a quite evil mood today, aren’t you?

Ello ello, what are we all doing in here then? (;
Maple: “Yeeeeh nothing… Privacy please?”
Sure! -still looks- ;D

YAY! The Jaxies just became partners with the book store! They used to own half the grocery store until my game went bizerk, so instead (just because it was in Cupcake’s wishes) I let them go partners with the book store instead! (: One day, one day, the Jaxies will be partners will all the businesses! Mwahaha, we will have power! >:D

I’m not sure why, but the Jaxies seem to be obsessed with rolling the wish to get a tattoo. I have nothing against a bit of ink, I just find it odd how they’re all rolling it since Cupcake got hers done. They must be jealous (:

What did you get? What did you get? :D
Horrie: “This!”
… What is it?
Horrie: “I dunno, it just looked cool!” (:

Horrie: “So, tattooist, baby, I’m a firefighter y’know, so how about a little firefighter’s discount?” (;
Tattooist: “I don’t think so.”
Horrie: “Well, I also have relatives that come here all the time! You know Cupcake Jaxie? Well, she’s my mother in law, and -“
Tattooist: “That old kook with the woohoo tattoo? Just for that, I’m going to have to charge you extra!”
See? It pays to be related to Cupcake in this town… Literally.

Ooh looksies, there’s another llama attack thing at the stadium - AND THE CROWD GOES WILD! :P

Vivian: “OMG LLAMAS - EWWY!” D:
You remind me of your brother.

Toyota: “OMG LLAMAS - EWWY!” D:
-rolls eyes-

And within moments of the llamas being contained, Clyde and Andrea appear near the stadium entrance. Either the whole town turned out for this, or it’s not a coincidence… Hmm…. -suspicious eyes-

Cupcake: “Eeee, I’m so happy! I’ve got so much screen time in this chapter!”
Cupcake, you always get a lot of screen time. Now, let’s focus on the twins’ birthday, shall we?

And here are the three brothers, (front to back) Ollie, Sampson and Sheldon! :D aren’t they adorable?!

OMGEE, SCOOBY! D: nooooooooo!

Maple: “Awh, honey look - I’m pregnant again.” (:
Horrie: “Can’t look, eating.”
That’s a loving husband for you right there.

Hmm, why is it that all the sexy male sims have feminine hair?
Sexy: “Because we’re just sexy like that.” (;

:D Horrie won firefighter of the year! Tell them Horrie, tell the people why!
Horrie: -sighs- “Cos I’m sexy.”
YEAH! :D eeee!

But then again, I guess it’d be pretty easy to win when these are your co workers D:

Cupcake: “What’s for dinner?” :D
Leftover cake, as usual.
Cupake: “Leftover cake?! AWESOME!” :D
I thought I’d treat Cupcake to a special dinner, seeing as she just completed her Life Time want of getting $4,000 per week in Royalty payments for her books! (:

So, I know Scooby only just died, but I wanted to replace him with something even cooler. So everyone, this is Shibby the jellyfish :D And yes, I stole the word ‘Shibby’ from Dude, where’s my car but hey, I think it’s a good name :D

Don’t worry, there is a point to this picture!
It came to my attention that we were lacking something in the Jaxie household, something that we really should have introduced before. So, with that in mind friends, scroll down…

AND MEET LEROY JAXIE, the Jaxie Legacy’s first ever robot! :D I love him so much ♥

Cupcake: “Eww, gross! What smells like weak old piss and rusty garbage?!”
Leroy: “Leroy unsure. Leroy will find out.”
Isn’t he amazing? :D

And, Leroy even gets along with the kids!
Leroy: “Leroy has found the source of the smell. Leroy will dispose of it.”
Awhh - NO!

And, how cool is this, Leroy even comes with his own traits and faves! He is so awesome :D

Leroy also has a LTW! He wants to become an international super spy, which is just adorable, so I thought I’d get him started on the right career track (:

Maple: “Oh shizzle.”
Leroy: “Why is goo gushing from in between legs of miss Maple?! Leroy is confused and frightened! Process does not compute!” :S
ehehe, I love Leroy.

Toyota: :|
Whoa Toyota, what happened to you? You look like your about to be sick!
Toyota: “I was assigned to be the midwife to deliver Maple’s baby. Never in my life have I ever witnessed something so disgusting.”
I feel your pain D:

And Toyota’s suffering resulted in the birth of little Billie Jaxie. Billie is clumsy and perceptive, and likes roots music (am I the only one thinking something gross here? ;D) stu surprise, and yellow. Now, I know the chapter was rather short, but this is where I leave you folks! Next chapter I will make up for the shortness of this, but until then, here is something for you all to think about:
x - nikki; (nikkstarrr11)

P.S: Also, make sure you check out Eliavah's an Uglacy Sweetacy on blogspot, which now star's the Jaxie Legacy's very own, Andrea Jaxie! If you're interested, you can find the chapter here:

the jaxie legacy

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