The Perkins Legacy - Generation Two, Part One

Jul 27, 2013 17:29

Three months later and generation two finally begins... Sorta.
Yeah, my bad.Welcome back to The Perkins after an unprecedented long break. You can blame gliitches and life for getting in the way. Anyway I think I've managed to unbork the Perkins save game and I'm so happy to be back. Just warning  you now that this is a mini chapter, just using up the the leftover snapshots before I start playing the new Perkins save game, so don't be surprised when just as you remember what's going on it suddenly ends.

*warning: contains some coarse language and sexual references; viewer discretion is advised*

Previously on The Perkins Legacy (because even I've forgot what happened)...

This dipshit (known as Skyla) won heirship

Blue and Skyla went to University as my guinea pigs :3

Sexualities were tested,

... And so were relationships.

(remember Felicia almost dumped Blue for Valentin? It's been 3 months and I'm still not over that...)

All was going well,

... Until your glorious writer who shall remain nameless nikkizoid went and got Skyla killed.
And now Blue's heir by default.

Still lost? You can read the last chapter here, or if you're new, you can catch up here

Now the chapter can finally begin!
If you get totally confused by the next few snapshots, I recommend you give the intro a read.

*** *** *** *** ***

"So, they've managed to kill off their heiress... Excellent!"

Frances backed away from the cauldron, overjoyed with what she had just witnessed. A wicked grin spread across her face, stretching from ear to ear. Sure, she may be currently residing in the basement of a dodgy pub on the outskirts of East London - which houses a large variety of vermin and reeks of stale urine - but she'd never been happier. If the Perkins family have failed once, they'll fail again; and each time they fail, it brings her one step closer to her dream of world domination.
They may have killed their heiress, but they still completed their first task.

Frances looked down to the source of the voice. Her only companion Felix, whom she had recently 'regenerated' into feline form, stood at her feet.
Don't lose focus, their heiress dying doesn't change a thing. They completed their first task, god knows how with that dumb blonde at the reins, but somehow, they did it. And that's a problem.
The realization of the situation aggravated Frances instantly. Felix was right. The completion of that task puts them a step closer to freedom, and her a step closer to eternal banishment - and she couldn't go back there again. She just couldn't.

"You're right Felix, as usual." She sighed. "But what can I do about it?"
Frances slumped and glared at dirt stained cement beneath her. She would do anything to avoid banishment and sabotage the Perkins chances... Anything.
The boy, the new heir, he is studying isn't he?
For a diploma?
"I'd say so. He's some sort of genius apparently, I don't see it myself."
Silence filled the room momentarily as Frances and Felix starred intensely through each other.
Well, it's not uncommon for geniuses to go insane is it?
"What are you suggesting?" Frances pondered warily.
He's been studying all this time for a diploma, hasn't he? Wouldn't it be a pity if once he actually received it he'd never be able to use it? That'd be enough to drive a normal person crazy, let alone someone as damaged as him.

"Oh, I see..." Frances smiled. "He'd become so angry and depressed that he'll spend every waking minute obsessing that his knowledge is going to waste, rather than focusing on the generation task!" she concluded. "Oh Felix, you're the genius!"

Frances dashed to her dark magic books and scanned furiously. There had to be some sort of diabolical hex she could base the next generation task from!

"Eureka," Frances muttered under her breath, skimming over one of the most challenging hexes. It would take someone extremely disciplined and determined to master such a task, and this was a task that would involve the entire family.
"Good luck Perkins'," Frances chuckled. "You'll need it."

*** *** *** *** ***

Meanwhile, life at the Perkins is very interesting at the moment. Everybody has developed their own coping strategies to deal with Skyla's death. Valentin for example, has been spending large amounts of time outside in the snow, in his swim trunks.

Valentin: Snow is god's dandruff! C:

Blue: Hai so um, shout out to all the Skyla fans out there - FUCK YOU I WIN!

As for Blue, he's... Um... He's developed turrets?
Yeah let's go with that.
And Amity?

Well, she was always a bit mental wasn't she?
Now she's a bit more on the 'special' side.

Amity: Heeheehee I can see my own brain! Heeheehee

Yes, that's nice sweetie *pets*
I think it's time for Blue to get the hell outta here and finish his degree.

Valentin: Bye son I love you! I'll send you kisses everyday!



Yeah, maybe I should have put Blue in another dorm.

Blue: But my heart, it still hurts :C

Blue don't even.

I can't handle it

Blue: Oh god, it's the stylized vagina! Skyla always loved drawing smut. Jesus I miss my psychotic baby sister so muh-uch! *sobs*

Baby sister, literally?

The dormies this time round have improved 157% though.
Tbh antyhing was an upgrade from this

Blue: So do you maybe wanna go for a drink pretty dormie I just met? I could use some company right now.

Amy: Hehe um just get the hell away from me before I gauge your eyes out with an ice-cream scoop


Blue: But you have bewbs... Skyla had bewbs. THE SIMILARITIES ARE TOO MUCH, MY EMOTIONS *sobs pathetically*

Amy: If one more guy cries over my boobs I swear to god...


Guys I'm starting to worry.

Unwitnessed alien assfuckery and insemination or concussion from all the head butts?
I'm praying for the latter. I don't think this legacy can handle any more surprises atm.

On a slightly more positive note, Blue only has 6 more credits to complete to get his diploma. HEEL YEYUS.
Honestly I forgot how boring uni gets.

See what I mean about these dormies though?!
157% is probably an understatement.

Even the guys are hot as fuhk.
Is it too late to make Blue gay?

Blue: Sorry, my sister just died and I'm grieving and all that, so can I get a hug or?



Not sure if digested special brownies or just on a sugar rush

Blue: I'm doing a random survey on college morons and their cleaning drones, so tell me house peasant, what do you see in this poop splatter?

Maid: Dats a big ass penis.

Groundbreaking research here.

I don't know how the sexuality confused maid classifies as an interesting person but *shurgs*
Blue rolled Socially Awkward for his new trait. How fitting.

Because we are so rich right now, I'm slowly spending money renovating the dormitory bc playing with too much money is no fun. I'm eventually going to make it into a memorial dorm for Skyla, so JSYK if you see different wallpapers and objects randomly popping up in snapshots this is why.

Amy: Heeheeheeheehee!
Blue: What?
Amy: You're in a onesie.
Blue: So? Don't be hatin! Bitches love onesies.

Don't underestimate of the onesie *nods*

Cindy: Teacheeeeer, this jigaboo next to me is snorin!

Blue: FYI dibber dobbers don't get into heaven.

Blue: A, A, A, A-, oh Mrs. Figgins it's like you want to die.

HAHAHAHAHA- wait you are joking right?

*brittish accent* Well well well,
what's all this then?!

The power of the onesie people *bows head*

Even though Blue's still technically dating Felicia back home..

Blue: My life, my world,

Blue: My precious... *makes out with*

Blue: I'm an official college graduate. Ladies form a line

*starts line*

Blue rolled Family Oriented as his Uni graduate trait.
So he's a socially awkward, family oriented, disciplined, lucky genius who loves the cold. And also horses. Cool bro.

Now that Blue's returning home for good, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to finally give the house an upgrade. I downloaded this amazing house from risastorm and made a few of my own minor alterations. This is where I'd usually plop in a house tour, but because my only way of saving the Perkins is having them move, I'm not sure if the new house will make the move with them... I JUST WANTED TO SHOW IT OFF COS IT'S PRETTY K?

Blue: Skyla would have loved these drapes *cries hysterically*

Maybe a move from the grief-baring curtains won't be such a bad thing after all.

And unfortunately folks, that's where we end it {only because I've run out of snapshots :3}
I know I promised the new generation task reveal this chapter, I'm sorry. I've got a day off from work tomorrow -yipee!- which I intend to spend doing legacy catch up. Sorry again that this chapter was short and drab but ily, and I hope you'll stick around cos there is plenty more Perkins action to be had soon. Real soon.
Au revior! ~

the perkins legacy

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