The Perkins Legacy - Generation One, Part Five

Apr 21, 2013 11:16

Hello darlings!
I am super excited myself, as this is the last chapter of generation one which means... Heir poll time! Unfortunately there are is no uni times in this update, but our gorgeous teens kept me amused and very busy. Now, on with the chapter!

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the perkins legacy

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Comments 40

everlove44 April 21 2013, 06:11:22 UTC
Uhm, I'm having problems voting... I have NO IDEA who to pick D:
Good chapter, nonetheless (:
Also loved the 1D references haha


nikkizoid April 21 2013, 12:23:26 UTC
Ahh, I know! I'm worried either way because I just love them both so much and want them both to win! :C Thank you! Yay I'm glad someone understood/enjoyed my directioner humor :D Thanks for commenting!


tws1996 April 21 2013, 09:05:41 UTC
The kids are both amazingly good looking- although I'm surprised that Blue isn't the insane one. But gods he is a genius and a skillz-master, even if he is a basket short of a picnic, if you know what I mean. As for Skyla being rebellious, well this shall be fun. I blame the parents. Although it is quite depressing to see Amity and Valentin age up to elders, they were (well they still are) totally crap parents but did get richy rich rich :P!

Great Chapter :)

P.S I voted Blue, he's so totally hopeless xD!


nikkizoid April 21 2013, 12:28:21 UTC
Oh I know :P I don't know how he got so good at skilling either. I blame the parents for everything that's gone wrong and will go wrong x) Just think though: One day, Amity and Val will be grandparents. God help those kids who have messed up parents and even more messed up grandparents!
Thanks! :) Blue's a hopeless genius, a rare but entertaining combination haha! Thank you for commenting!


karme_sin April 21 2013, 11:30:18 UTC
god i love both of them so much but i chose skyla in the end. i bet her insane-trait and that she's rebellious will bring a lot of fun. lol a rebellious angler. still cant imagine that :D
looking forward to uni times, yay!


nikkizoid April 21 2013, 12:29:54 UTC
I love them both too and I'm dreading letting go of the spare :C Skyla is an odd mix I'm worried about Uni times with her, but no doubt it'll be a fun ride XD Thanks for commenting!


alexavo_thesims April 21 2013, 15:31:17 UTC
I love both of the kids so much but I thought Skyla's traits looked really fun, and I love her pink hair so I went with her :D

Awesome chapter! Skyla's awkward relationship with her imaginary friend was so funny and creepy! Those dolls look cute when they're toddlers but when they age into children and teens they look odd and out of proportion and become really creepy! Haha

Valentin and Amity are so cute old! It's funny how they STILL get tons of people asking to go out with them, everyone except Grimmy, poor Amity :( lol

I can't wait to find out what the next generation challenge is as well and to see both the kids at uni! :D


nikkizoid April 21 2013, 22:55:12 UTC
Thanks! ^__^ Yes I so agree! They become these creepy stalker freaks. And it really weirds me out that they're gender neutral o__O

I know! I don't think I've ever had a sim get that many presents and love letters ever. Must be those freckles :P

Neither can I, I'm going to be sad no matter which way it goes! Thanks for commenting! ~


lauramorgan5 April 21 2013, 15:57:13 UTC
How is that even possible that Amity is still gorgeous in her old age? I mean, i'm envious.
oh man these kids are just fhsbchsbf ♥ i really don't know who to pick ;_; Skyla is way too gorgeous omg and she's so crazy haha i just jfhsf ** Blue is so handsome and lovely and.. oh my god HOW CAN I CHOOSE. This is so unfair of you, let us choose between these two D:

Okay i think i'll vote for.. uhm.. Skyla! (sorry Blue ;_; I love you, too, i swear ;_;)


nikkizoid April 21 2013, 23:13:12 UTC
Me too, nobody realistically looks half that good when they're old and senile :P It's just not fair! Ahahaha well it was either you guys decide or I have to, and you know that's pretty much impossible x) Thanks for commenting! ~


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