The Perkins Legacy - Generation One, Part Four

Mar 30, 2013 06:01

*smiles and waves, just smiles and waves*
Howdy guys! I hope everyone is well! :) I'm so excited to test out the new university expansion and I've decided the Perkins will be my guinea pigs. With that in mind, expect birthdays galore this chapter. A special thank you to azkibear for solving my uploading dramas and preventing even longer chapter delays! <3

*warning: contains some coarse language and sexual references; viewer discretion is advised*

Skyla: "Why you watch me poopie?!"

I want to show off to our readers that you can poopie by yourself! :)
And you're a legacy kid honey, the world is gonna watch you poop, pee, break things, have sex, give birth and eventually die.

Skyla "I dun wanna die." :C

With parent's like yours, I'm surprised your not already dead. *pets*

It seems Amity's trip overseas has really opened doors for her fame. Suddenly she's getting recognition everywhere, and she's miraculously gained an extra star without lifting a finger.

I'm absolutely totally okay with discounts and freebies though just ftr ;)

Blue: "Oh how father and I used to frolic in the garden and ride the cow plant, those were the grandest of times..."

Blue's still not in the good books with Valentin and now he just spends most of his time playing outside on the cow plant. I'm worried :|

See what I mean though.
If that's not favouritism I don't know what is.


Blue: "The boogey monster?!"

Thanks a lot lady it's not like he isn't screwed up enough already.

And to top it off it also happens to be Halloween Spooky Day. I've decided to throw a joint spooky day costume/birthday party just because. Amity should be an adult by now but I think her lifespan bar is borked or something because she just stopped aging half way through her young adulthood... Also it's finally time for Skyla to age up :D

*snorts* Wearing your career clothes to a costume party? Real original Val.

Valentin: "We're too poor to afford anything else."

Don't blame your lack of creativity on our poverty!

Amity: "I'm in my chefs gear too, now everyone's gonna know we're poor!"

Honey look at your house. It's pretty obvious.

Feel free to come in!

Everybody: *lingers awkwardly*

... Or not. Let's block the only escape route from a indoor fire.
That's so logical with Amity in the building -___-

Cupcake: "Can I haz hamburga?" :C


Sexy with a side of freckles wrapped in a cowplant?! ♥____ ♥
Can you just like, stay right there until Skyla is an adult?

What? Maybe the game will be nice and glitch his age bar just like Am's

Amity: "So how long have you been working in the cowplanting career?"

PinkScarf Devin: "Ugh, bitch totally stole my outfit. I wanted to come as the slutty cheerleader." -___-

Yes I'm calling him Devin now because that comment deserves it XD

Amity: "Bright fire sticks are fireeeeeey!"

Come back to us Ams!

Amity: "Hmm, do I wish for success in completing this generation's task, or a sparkly rainbow unicorn named Clip Clop?"

I personally would go with wishing for the curse to be banished, but y'know.


Thou art a selfish bitch.
Oh but hay look more cutie-cowplant mcfreckles screentime ^__^

Amity: "No wait I changed my mind, can I have eternal youth instead?!"

No backsies!
And let's just take a moment to appreciate the efforts of our lifeless rent-a-crowd. I spy with my little eye three smiles and one celebratory horn. I'm so glad I rearranged our living room for this -___-

Amity: "Show's over losers now stop fucking cheering so I can drown myself in my birthday cake." *suicidal glares*

Someone must be on their menzies.

Amity: "No photos please, my leathery wrinkled skin isn't camera friendly."

Oh for god's sake.


After the bitchy remarks from Amity the rent-a-crowd disbanded giving no fucks about Skyla's fragile little heart. I have every finger and toe crossed she won't grow up into a depressed wreck like her mother and brother :/


Skyla: *awkward shuffles*

Skyla grew up with flying colours don't even ask me how that happened I just dk... She rolled Neat as her next trait, which the biggest blessing right now because everyone are closet slobs honestly.

Shades: "Damn that's a ripe pussy right there."

Blue: *scarred for life*

The poor innocent children :'C
*cradles Blue and kisses on forehead*

Oh yes. This will definitely come in handy.

Valentin god you're heartless.
I'm so tempted to give Amity banging rights to cutie-cowplant mcfreckles now just for you thinking of such a thing!



Llama: "He he he she's got a mental health problem!"

Yeah quite possibly but that's hardly a laughing matter miss.
She has kids y'know. Just think of the children.

I invited the obnoxious llama over by accident just scrolling through the new University interactions. And even though I find the new llama suits hideous, someone must find them sexy cos little miss llama here constantly sports the sex strut.

And then she just stood there catching snowflakes on her tongue waiting for someone to come and greet her. I let my guard down and somehow Skyla was lured out there :/

Skyla: "Uhh thanks? I'm like ten but whatever."

*Seconds Later*

Skyla: "Vo Gerbits?"

Llama: "My job here is done."

Llama girl must have hypnotism powers o__O

Pretty convenient on your first day of school.

*sighs* Stupid llama infecting our household.

Oh yeah, we're on a roll!

Valentin: "Fuck yes, finally get to wear the big boy suit!" *fist pumps*

And to think you were going to abandon your post as Bridgeport's only fire fighter for Uni life *shakes head disapprovingly*

Because of my decision to make the kids my Uni guinea pigs, I've got them both skill building early to better our chances.

Skyla here is going to be our own little Picasso! ^__^ Aren't you sweetie?

Skyla: "Don't patronize me. My paintings are crap."

:( You troubled soul. *pets*

As for Blue, he's addicted to the telescope and chess set - not against his will either.

Two days in a row? Lucky ducks :3

Uhh it would be more like 10 sim years due to the age of their children, but okay.

And what a better way to celebrate than Valentin saving the city and Ams hitting the winter festival!

Amity: "Age has only increased the altitude of my awesomeness! I'm queen of the world bitches, nothing can stop me now!"

Amity: "It cheated! Do over, do over!"

Just don't break your hip or something old timer XD

Blue: "The ice is melting! Oh god, I'm gonna go down!"

THE FEELS! <333333

Skyla: "Blue you moron! Don't ever touch me again!"

Well it was nice while it lasted.

I deliberately placed her into the game in case we need to wish for money if we get that desperate. I really don't want to, but the guideline did say by any means necessary... Besides, I've never played with a genie in my game before so I'm very intrigued :3

Amity: "Hey check this video out, you have to see it! It's so gross! Just watch, see those two girls, and see that one cup they have..."

Jeanie: o__O

There goes our chances as having her as a backup, thanks Ams!

Amity: *sings* "Baby you're a fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirework! C'mon let your colours buuuuurst! Make 'em go -"

Jeanie: "Yes, yes you're the next Katy Perry, but please stop now."

Honestly I wish she didn't learn that song in Al Simhara, she's been singing constantly ever since.

Amity: *sings* "Cos when you're fifteeeeeen, and somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe theeeeem,"

It's not like these kids need an education or anything game.


-___- I should count how many times things break around here. We'd probably be in the hundreds by now.

C'mon hun, you don't want frozen testicles, let's pick up this bitch and go home.


o___O I forget how screwed up you kiddlings are sometimes.
*pats shoulder*

Well this can only end well.

Skyla: "Why do I suddenly feel like I should be chewing gum and touring Willy Wonka's chocolate factory?"

Ummm, I don't know... *whistles nonchalantly*

Blue: "Do you want me to use my almighty fire breath to light the candles?"

XD Feel free, it's your cake anyway.

Blue: "It's my birthday? Let's paaaaaaaartaaaaaaay!"

Door. Right there.
I just don't understand. Silly illogical sims.

Oh hey, zombified Jessie J! Nice of you to make an appearance!

Zombie Jessie J: "Errrrrrgh."

Blue: "Shall I wish for a billion gillion dollars or for the little green people to leave me alone?"

Amity: "Crap it's his birthday today?! Shit I didn't get him a present!"

And the award for world's best parent goes to...

Blue: "Wait for it, wait for it..."

Blue: "And BAM! Sexy! Eh? Eh?"

Oh yes, I can definitely work with this!
Blue rolled Lucky as his fourth trait, how lucky is that? x) He's gonna need all the help he can get if he becomes heir, he's just so damn damaged.

Sexy, but damaged.

Blue I love you and your want to help out the family even though we've severely screwed you up! <3

Milo: "Sah tired bye."

I have never seen a sim yawn and run but it amused me muchly :3

FourEyes: "Pretty lady come out so I can love you... And maybe nibble on your brains a bit."

Oldest trick in the book *shakes head exasperated*

Jessie J! Those lettuces weren't for you!
Bloody zombies >:(


Oh, yes it is, I totally remembered.
*looks around suspiciously*


Oh brilliant, never a dull moment.

Valentin: "What d'ya think? I rock these locks better than Russell Brand huh?"

Sure you do honey, you just keep telling yourself that.

LOL look, zombie Jessie J turned into a popsicle!
That's karma for eating our crops, bitch! C:

LOL the one time I actually buy some decorations and make an effort... I don't understand this game.


Also here's a picture of Blue's newly renovated room just because.

Ams' still got it.

I've decided to change Valentin's LTW. I will never change the LTW of anyone in the main bloodline but it's becoming pretty obvious he's not going to complete it, and as part of his midlife crisis he wanted to change so *shrugs*

I picked the most logical LTW for him because I refuse to let him be anything other than a fire fighter :3

Looks like someone has been getting stuck into the jellybeans again...

Amity: "WHAT. ME. NO. NEVER."

You're the worst liar ever in existence.

So Valentin must be into the extra crispy Simpson thing Ams has going on.
Ok. Whatever floats ya boat.

Valentin: *fish face*

D: Perhaps not.
How dare you though, Valentin. Seriously you knew what you were getting into when you married her, and god dammit I won't let you give up on it! 'Specially when you guys aren't having any problems and your wife is still rolling wishes to make babies with you >:|


Blue has become such a good boy since he's grown up. Always doing his homework and working on his skills ^__^ *pets*

First day of school and she arrives at 2pm. Like brother, like sister.
*sighs* At least she got there in the end.

Super rare pic of Blue actually smiling!
He is just adorable and I love him C: <3

We're still desperately poor ftr.

Autonomous family bonding times.
I will document every time this happens because it's so precious and rare with this bunch <3

Amity: "That head doesn't look round enough."

Blue: "Must you criticize everything I do Mum?! I can't be good at everything!"

You ruin everything Ams honestly.

Well we all know who to blame for that don't we.

Skyla: "My fingertips! They're fluorescent yellow! Oh dear god no,"

Skyla: "My hair isn't fluorescent yellow is it?!"

Um, well, it doesn't look that bad..

Skyla: "Damn that hormonal teenage prick! I'll get my revenge one way or another!"

Blue: "Stupid sister, stupid parents, stupid life."

So it looks like we're back to square one with Blue. *sighs* My poor screwed up baby.


Die quietly? Kthanx.

Old geazer: "Tell my wife I love her, and to donate my brain to medical research!"

We don't know you mate so...

Amity: "I thought Grimmy didn't want me, but here he is again on my doorstep begging for my love. Why are relationships so hard." :C

Yeah the dead body has nothing at all to do with his presence here.

Skyla: "Does that mean the floating black cape guy with the knife is my real daddy?"

Oh lord.

*Rubs hands together mischievously* >:)

Amity: "Dear Grimmy,

It's pretty obvious you're into me when you harvest fresh bodies to the afterlife on my doorstep, so where do we go from here? My body aches for you and your deathly powers.

Love Amity x x x

P.S I think the girl is onto us. The blonde one. Might want to take care of that.
P.P.S I think you know what I mean by taking care of that.
P.P.PS If you don't know what I mean, I mean bribe her with candy."

I need to stop doing this but it's just too darn amusing :3

Blue: "I'm off to the prom. Don't wait up."

Oh I thought you were off to your bodyguard gig? My bad.

Gosh, life really loves you doesn't it Blue?

Well if this isn't the most awkward Prom picture I've ever seen ever.

Valentin: "Hey can you pass the logic book, Violet Beauregarde?"

Amity: "Shut up."

Blue went on a rage dump. He is the definition of a moody teenager seriously.

Blue: "I am troubled and someone must pay."

Valentin: "The sewer people are attacking! Skyla! Get Daddy's extinguisher!"

This is Greg. Just thought I'd share, specially cos it's Easter C:

Amity: "My hair is a humorous fluorescent colour isn't it?"


Amity may be an elder by the time she reaches her LTW but we're getting there.

They're multiplying!
Greg now has a friend called Jerry :D *claps excitedly*

*Important Announcement*
It's come to my attention while overlooking this want of Valentin's that we are still way off from the $75,000 we need to complete this generation's goal. I think I underestimated just how much more difficult it is to earn money in this game than it is in TS2. With that being said, the gods in charge of the curse tasks have lowered the threshold amount down to $50,000.

So yay, not too far off now! :D

Skyla: *sighs* "What colour is it this time?"


Skyla: "I think I'm not gonna wash my hair from now on."

Skyla: "There's nothing better than smelling an Indian Blanket in the spring rain!"

Amity: "Hey! You can't just go around picking flowers! We're not a hippie family Skyla! This isn't a love-inn! Do you see me wearing a tie dye bandanna right now? No! No you do not!"


Devin! My love for you is becoming greater and greater! <3

Bow down to the promotion master!

Skyla: "Today is a very grand day, shall we have tea in the garden?"

We can have cake in the kitchen.

Skyla: "Tremendous."

Yup, Skyla's birthday already.
Hard to believe at the beginning of this chapter she was just a toddler.
Funny how time flies like that x)

Skyla: "Yay I'm going to be sexier than Blue!"

Blue: "CAKE NOW?!" 8D

Skyla: "YES! I'm a sure-in for heir now!" *fist pumps*

That's not necessarily a good thing you realize right?

Blue: "Oh no, she isn't hideous! No one said anything about competition!"

You kids must really be whacked in the head if you want to be heir honestly :/

I just... If I was as pretty as her, I'd actually have a life right now. Omg.

Anyway, Skyla rolled Angler as her new trait. I don't really see her as the fishing type, but *shrugs*. She has such a unique facial structure and is so pretty, I am just very happy with these children despite all their issues! <333

And here's the obligatory pic of Skyla's bedroom's makeover to end the chapter C:

Two things though:
1) I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting longer than usual for this one. Truth is I don't have an awesome excuse like last time other than being busy, but I am going to try and stick to a more stable schedule from now on. Hopefully I'll have a chapter out every fortnight on the weekend sometime.
2) I'm sorry if I've let anybody down by changing the threshold amount but I really underestimated the difficulty of making good money on the first generation when the founder never works because of all the darn maternity leave

Next time though:
- Will grimmy reply to Amity?
- Heir poll + [hopefully] Uni times! Yay :D

I hope you stick around! Comments are always appreciated, thanks for reading, and have a safe and amazing Easter! <3 x

the perkins legacy

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