Title: Lunch With David: David Cronenberg (very interesting video interview)
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©Movie City news; Thanks to kaijamin at V-W!Title
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Comments 3
Over here, the positives definitely dominated. I don't yet have a feel really for the mix there, as it just opened this weekend.
Do you think that there's a general reaction against the way London is portrayed in the movie? That he portrayed parts of London that are gritty and darker?
I'm also seeing backlash about the rating. What's interesting though is that the concern is about the violence and I haven't seen a mention yet of the sex.
SPOILER FOLLOWSThe sex scene if you haven't already heard about it is much more disturbing. Nikolai rapes an underage girl in the brothel under Kirill's direction. In a sense, Nikolai is also raped because he's forced, but it's still rape. And it's a very chilling, uncomfortable, unsexy scene, especially the way the girl lays there and starts singing a lullaby afterwards to ( ... )
I don't think people are disappointed with the portrayal of London at all actually. Some just don't think the film is that good! But, like you say - its only just gone on general release.
And there's nothing to forgive! Each to their own, I say. For me, Viggo will be firstly Aragorn and secondly Walker Jerome forever in my mind and as for entertainment, give me a comedy any day ;)
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