What a doctor needs to know

May 22, 2010 17:37

Title: What a doctor needs to know
Betas: Many thanks to selinamoonfire, aquila_star and dizilla for the main beta looking over and special cameo appearance by lesserpanda
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 9,975
Pairings/Characters: Kirk/McCoy, Pike, Gaila, Chekov, Scotty, Chapel, Uhura/Spock implied, Rand, Kirk/Gaila/McCoy
Warnings: AU, threesome, DP, implied voyeurism

Summary: Dr Leonard McCoy ( Read more... )

series: comstock kings, chapel, rand, rating: nc-17, pike, gaila, spock-uhura, scotty, chekov, kirk-gaila-mccoy, fanfic, kirk-mccoy, au, star trek

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Comments 48

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You are incredibly welcome! nikki4noo May 22 2010, 09:45:32 UTC
Hee, yes I live in ur brain, stalking ur kinks!

You are making lots of sense and I am so glad you liked it. You enabled the first one, so it is only appropriate that a follow up is still your fault!.

Nag away, I might listen ;) Oh hell, we both know I will definitely listen. Can't leave them hanging and the rest of crew want their stories told too.


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nikki4noo May 22 2010, 10:23:24 UTC
Well the b'day recipient is in the UK and I had to wait for her to come online before posting it. :D

So glad you liked it.


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secretsolitaire May 22 2010, 12:18:48 UTC
What a delicious read! Love how Gaila watched and then joined on in. A lady after my own heart. ;-)


nikki4noo May 22 2010, 12:31:05 UTC
I love Gaila and she is just a little bit wise as to what the boys need. A good madam makes sure her clients are seen to properly ;)

Very glad you enjoyed it!


<3 tiedye_ragdoll May 22 2010, 12:57:50 UTC
*folds up fic. carefully places in carpetbag* THIS, *flails with joy* I have the original snippet saved and read it often. I love this world. so so so much. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

moar? puhleease


Re: <3 nikki4noo May 22 2010, 13:12:07 UTC
Awww *huggles tight* Thank you so much.

This was such fun and well there is so much story to still be told about Kirk and McCoy and Pike and Gaila and her girls and the forbidden romance between the Jewish Headmaster and the negro singer and then there is Scotty the mad engineer... Yeah I think there might be moar.

hee, moar. Random fact - That is my family name on my mother's side and it only comes from the Shetland Island. Anyone in the world with the surname of Moar I am related to!


tiedye_ragdoll May 22 2010, 13:26:42 UTC
I shall wait then. maybe even patiently. :D

Re Random fact: Cool. You must have a lot of extended family.


nikki4noo May 22 2010, 13:30:08 UTC
Patience is apparently a virtue.

Well I think so but they are really spread out all over the place. There was a book created about the family too and we got put in it. Still haven't seen the copy though. There was a pic of me in it and everything and they said what I have done with my life. Which I did find a little odd.


sangueuk May 22 2010, 14:42:52 UTC
Dear God - my hands are shaking - YOU CAN'T STOP THERE! *whimpers* I need the next scene!

Seriously, no one does clothes porn like you do! And the language - I admit it took a moment for me to get used to it, but a half dozen paragraphs in, and I was in your thrall. Oh, the sweet forbidden love, the hesitation in Jim, the eye contact, the fabrics - I'm all agog. Please tell me there will be more or I may pull all my hair out! The prospect of top!Jim is too teasing to dangle in front of me like that. Aaaargh!

And I loved the corset, btw!

Wonderful work, bb! Thank you for sharing!


nikki4noo May 22 2010, 14:52:58 UTC
HEE! I knew that ending was going to be evil!

Yes there will be more, there is too much fun to be had in this au. The others have stories to tell as well. btw anna is apparently putting together a coalition to nag me to write more...

Thank you so much for the comment about the language. I really wanted it to have the right feel for that period. I could visually see it so strongly, so glad that others got that impression from what I wrote.

Clothes porn *blushes* Well the best part of getting a present is in the unwrapping.

Jim is only top!Jim cause Bones knows that is the only way to keep him. He's fighting those Dom tendencies he has and sometimes they just manage to slip through.

Gaila likes her underwear :D

Thank you so much for the lovely comment *huggles* and I could stare at your icon for hours. My god that man's eyes.


sangueuk May 22 2010, 14:55:34 UTC
Jim is only top!Jim cause Bones knows that is the only way to keep him. He's fighting those Dom tendencies he has and sometimes they just manage to slip through. Just so you know, this doesn't help! I love it when they switch it up. *chokes*


nikki4noo May 22 2010, 15:07:30 UTC
Oh they are total switches I think, but mostly I get the impression that Jim just needs to let go and not be in command. With Bones he can trust him to do that. In this AU though, it doesn't work. Their sexuality is an issue and so their dynamic is slightly different. Amazes me how much I meta about porn :D


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