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Comments 9

savoytruffle June 12 2012, 13:25:03 UTC
This was enchanting. You write Regency very well. The tension between Jim and Bones was delicious and I'm dying for more of the backstory.

I hope you will treat us to more of this series very soon!


nikki4noo June 12 2012, 21:45:54 UTC
Thank you very much. Your Gretna Green is a particular favorite of mine whenever I need to read a fun romp and put a smile on my face.

My dad introduced me to Georgette Heyer's books when I was 15 and I have been hooked on that period ever since.

At the moment the main story is sitting at 30K and it's just kinda scratching the surface of their backstory! I aim to have it finished this year, which is why I haven't signed up for any BB's or anything. So I can't promise soon, but I do really hope this year.


rogueangel1998 June 15 2012, 12:56:11 UTC
I loved this and am definitely intrigued. What's going on in Jim's past - and his time with Bones?

The Regency is one of my favorite time periods too. I've even been thinking of dabbling in it too, but am intimidated by getting the feel of it right. I think you captured it perfectly. I'm sad at the idea that you won't be doing a big bang, but love the idea of reading all of this story at some point this year - so keep writing!



nikki4noo June 15 2012, 16:15:22 UTC
Thank you very much! Oh there is def a mystery going on ;)

If you do ever want to attempt it, I have some great links and some academic texts etc which really helped me get into the 'feel'. That and reading a lot of Georgette Heyer books as well! She truly is the Queen of the Regencies.

I am working hard on finishing a Gymnastics AU to post before or around the time of the London Olympics and then I really want to finish off this regency one. Both of those are already over 20k. So almost like two BB's in one year!


treksnoopy June 20 2012, 03:59:05 UTC
I have a real weakness for Regency and this is excellent! The details, the language, the feel are superb. Great selections on the clothes!

I know this is a WIP but I hope you'll share more soon!


nikki4noo June 20 2012, 07:22:51 UTC
Thank you very much!

Unfortunately the larger story is just that, a wee bit large...covering from the time Jim is 16 and up until he is in his late 20's. I do have plans for later as well, so it is definitely going to only get bigger :p


rogueangel1998 March 10 2013, 16:10:04 UTC
Yep, this is still hot. And I am definitely intrigued by Jim's past and his awakening gay sexuality in a time when not everyone knows what can be done between two men. That he is attracted to Bones and imagining what they can do together is just dead sexy.

Is there an eta on the whole story? I'd love to read it - and any other snipets you want to post!



nikki4noo March 12 2013, 04:08:46 UTC
Unfortunately I won't be posting it until it is fully finished. The story I am telling I can't do snippets as it will give things away and in order to make it a complete story I might need to fix things once I finally get it done as the fic jumps back and forth in time. I have only posted a wip twice and generally I really dislike doing so, just so I can get the flow and the characterisation correct. It is a nice spur to write, but, yeah, this story ain't going to be a little one! Currently sitting at 30K for the story and the character bios is at 6K. :p

There is a very, very subtle hint to Jim's past in this, but it was deliberately left very subtle. :D it's true that during that period that not everyone knew, but it wasn't as hidden as we might have previously thought. Jim's going to get an education and spring it on Bones at a later date, don't you worry. :


rogueangel1998 March 12 2013, 13:21:11 UTC
Well, as long as you are still writing it, I am a happy camper!

I will be anxiously waiting for you to post the whole, lovely, long fic at some point in the - near? - future!



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