Time Machines to Go and Get Us Back

Feb 10, 2012 23:16

Author: Alsike

Fandom: X-Men/Criminal Minds

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Emma/Emily

Disclaimer: Not my girls. Title & Lyrics from Say Hi to Your Mom.

Word Count: ~2000

Apologies: Yeah, writing… the semester is trying to kill me and I’m not even three weeks in. *exhausted*

Summary: Emma is going to be awesome.  And nothing is going to stand between her and what ( Read more... )

criminal minds, x-men, emma/emily

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Comments 13

morthel February 11 2012, 07:10:58 UTC
Wonderful, as always. I didn't expect a continuation of this story, but I really liked it. :)


precious_sin February 11 2012, 09:43:41 UTC
Oh how adorable! Really love the idea of them meeting before Emma is larger than life.


kith_koby February 11 2012, 19:34:33 UTC
You wrote a sequel to this, like we asked! Thank you!
This was excellent. I loved this young, brash Emma, who's still excitable and not cynical. And young Emily who's hesitant and confused rather than depressed and pessimistic was also beautiful. It was great to have a light and uplifting piece which doesn't have to involve smut, and is just what it is due to the (almost) unblemished characters. Thanks a lot.


nike_ravus February 11 2012, 20:06:00 UTC
I am slowly, slowly working my way through all the requests from the requests round. I want to write them all, but it may take me a year.

I'm glad you liked it! (I've forgotten how to write smut. Most of the time I feel like I've forgotten how to write anything at all. *sigh*)


scoutnabout February 11 2012, 20:13:25 UTC
You remember; you're just overworked in writing assigned things. Takes the passion from the art, but only for a time.


kith_koby February 11 2012, 21:29:34 UTC
Believe me, you know how to do it. You just need to recall. Just last week, I though I forgot how to write biblical fics, and then on Thursday the muse struck me, and it came back with a vengeance.

So cheer up, head high, and get to learning, with occasional interludes to proving this to yourself again and again. just by the way - any chance for a semi-sequel to this, something like a brief summary of what happens 10-20 years in the future - basically, how Emma changed stuff?


mayireadtoday February 11 2012, 19:42:57 UTC
This is AWESOME! I'm grinning so hard.


scoutnabout February 11 2012, 20:10:53 UTC
This new present seems like it must be more of an alternate past, otherwise -- like in "Back to the Future -- the old future would disappear as 'history' is being re-written...I speculate.
Fun thoughts about Emily being remotely controlled through Emma to start WWIII.
Emma was never much for patience. Like the quick kiss.
Thanks for writing and why on earth do education systems think that level of stress is equal to earning one's stripes? If they had some classes/projects extend to two semesters instead of one, then more time and thought could actually be focused in a measured and carefully considered way.
Well, good luck!


nike_ravus February 11 2012, 20:17:34 UTC
It's definitely broken off and become its own timeline. Emma's totally going to be the most awesome hacker, and she's going to end up changing a lot of things. (The only one I know for sure is that when Michael gets sick, she's going to track down Moira McTaggart and get the cure to save him, and then she's going to spread the formula everywhere, so that everyone who needs it can get it.)

Thanks for your support! (But I'm pretty sure my decision to take 3 seminars and 2 language classes, as well as TAing, and trying to get a paper ready for publication, all in the same semester, is my fault. I may need to reconsider some of this.)


scoutnabout February 11 2012, 23:18:26 UTC
Jesus! I'm only in Japanese 102 and I'm wondering what I've gotten myself into knowing that I will need to live for years in Japan if I'm ever going to speak at a level that is mildly useful.
It's definitely a love/hate feeling. I really enjoy it, but anything I'm obligated (by my own hand) to do, I want to put off.(I'm not the type that is used to doing my homework diligently every day; I'm more of a feast or famine kind of girl. I've also barely gotten better at doing just what I'm 'not the type' to do.)
Now I'm wondering if you're taking two complimentary language classes, or completely different? I'm thinking you're in the Masters program, or you're definitely holding yourself up to a higher standard than I've yet to even aspire.
Well, just be good to yourself mentally while exercising those same muscles.


nike_ravus February 12 2012, 00:21:03 UTC
Hmm, well, that depends on whether you think Sanskrit and Middle Welsh are complimentary. Which... they're not.

I was thinking of taking Japanese again this year, but apparently I've forgotten too much to be in a decent level class, so that was depressing. But I love Japanese. It's really well organized and grammatically simple once you get the hang of it.
(it's not frigging Sanskrit with the imperfect, preterite, aorist, middle and subjunctive.)
The vocabulary however... well, vocabulary is always a pain in the ass.
At least in Middle Welsh and Old Irish we didn't actually have to learn real vocab, just the function words (recognizing conjugated prepositions... oh god). Sanskrit, unfortunately, is not so lenient.

benkyoushiteirutoki fanfictionwoyomanainohouga iindesu. mousugu jouzuninarimasu. ganbatte!


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