Why I Think Ianto Has A DOM Personality
-- Random Illustrations --
Inspired by
tencrush's D/s poll question
Spoilers for all of S1 and S2, including Exit Wounds.
Let's start at the very beginning.
Hands-on. (Fragments)
Stupid plan! We are going with chocolate! (Fragments)
Gets way in Jack's personal space while serving tea.
Not that Jack minds. (Small Worlds)
Note this stance. It comes up again.
Button on the top! (TKKS)
"Ianto!" "Captain!" -- totally mocking Jack here (TKKS)
Yes, I'm propositioning you with a stopwatch, catch up already! (TKKS)
Playing crazy psychotic cop -- Jack just plays regular bad cop (Combat)
You! To the roof! Now! (KKBB)
You kissed my boyfriend! (KKBB)
A little out of order, but why do people keep kissing my boyfriend?
(A Day In The Death -- note similarity to Small Worlds stance)
From Sleeper
Did you just purr?
Bad boy! No Ianto for you! (Meat)
"Pray they survive." (Meat)
Is totally going to kill John.
Well, not quite so slowly, since Jack seems relatively okay.
(Exit Wounds)
Anybody have more? Let me know!