Title: In Those Brief Moments, All I See is Red
Author: NightSpank
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Kara/Kendra, Kara/Lee
Rating: Overall PG-13 (sex, drinking, drug use)
Warnings: Femslash
Summary: Slight AU - Kendra hears the hybrid speak but is rescued off of the baseship at the last moment. (Okay, big huge frakking AU.)
Chapter 7 )
Comments 4
also, I like Kendra's matter of fact attitude about 'the morning after.' The scolding about lack of sleep? was great!
and poor Kara! she's having a tough time pulling herself together, huh? understandable, but sad.
Right, because neither of them are really the type to go all chatty, and Kendra's just too focused on her work. And... well, I'd be spoiling something if I gave any more away!
Yup, but she still doesn't want help from anyone figuring it all out.
I agree with smirk, a very ominous chapter indeed and I love your Kendra. I also love the image of Kara waking up to a mouthful of black Kendra hair. Very nice. How many chapters do we have to go? I don't want my night fic to end!
Two chapters left! If everything goes as planned, that is. It's a lot to get through.
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