Title: Quickie Author: Silvia (nightshade_ave) Fandom: Bleach Pairing: Ichigo/Rukia Rating: X for explicit sexual content Prompt: Lime table 8 - A little quickie behind the doors AN/Disclaimer: Ichi/Ruki smut, approximately 2200 words.
//She turned to face him and gave him a long but rather chaste kiss, par for the course for the couple when they finished making love.//
That's sweet, and really suits them. A very fun read. Smut is hard to do in-character, but I think you succeeded in getting Ichigo's brain on paper. :)
Comments 5
//She turned to face him and gave him a long but rather chaste kiss, par for the course for the couple when they finished making love.//
That's sweet, and really suits them. A very fun read. Smut is hard to do in-character, but I think you succeeded in getting Ichigo's brain on paper. :)
r u going to post this on fanfiction.net????
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