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Comments 6

poeticzi July 8 2010, 23:30:27 UTC
Hey. I started reading your LJ when I read your latest Writer's Block, and wow. Similar situation to me, except it's my father who has emotionally abused me for years and my mother hasn't been great either. I too found a man who has given me a loving family, the best in-laws I could have asked for. What's funny too is that my MIL also had problems with her parents and completely understands where I'm coming from. And my husband wishes we could cut off contact with my parents already (he really doesn't like them and it angers him seeing the hurt they've caused me).

So, just saying hi, and I'm happy for you :). I know because I'm living it, and it's truly amazing. Feel free to friend me if you like. Oh and I'm 24 (already read you're 38 so it's only fair that I share my age).


nightshade1972 July 9 2010, 00:01:09 UTC
My MIL apparently had a mother who, according to hubby, was a hundred times worse a person than the Maternal Unit could ever aspire to be. Hubby's the one who gave me the courage to cut off all contact with the Parental Units. Until recently, I would have really liked to maintain contact with the Paternal and Fraternal Units, but I have finally become convinced that I'm better off cutting off all contact with my side of the "family" (and I use that word very loosely to describe them).


babarian_kat July 9 2010, 00:09:41 UTC
My Mother: moral support, sometimes money, cards at holidays, birthday and Christmas checks for both my husband and me, help with dental bills, help with gym memberships, information, reminiscing, finding out what's happening with the other relatives, support with physical ailments

My Brother: steady money. Reminiscing, mutual support, a gift of an orchid plant.

My Stepfather: money, general support, ridiculous ideas, fear of Asians, liberals...yeah, but he was there, Daddy wasn't

My father: genetic predisposition to alchol, spotty past memories, the Primal Wound, divorcing my mother for one of his grad students, off-center political reading suggestions, silence, avoidance, fear.

My stepmother (the fourth one: drunken-ness, insults, shopping, a barrier between my father and his children, someone who is jealous of my mother.

That's my family..you can probably see that my allegiances lie with my mother, brother, and, uneasily, my stepfather.


itskoi July 9 2010, 01:04:25 UTC
I'll pass. ;-) Most of my family seems too indifferent to care, some are toxic or at least very unhealthy, and a couple I actually could count on, consistently.


nightshade1972 July 9 2010, 01:09:57 UTC
I think that's the question...what can you count on them *for*?



white_bishop July 9 2010, 13:29:37 UTC
I can count on my family for anything when times are tough. :-)


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