May 31, 2011 23:03

aka what happened before the Morning After Memes

♥ Rules
• Leave a comment with your character’s name and the fandom! Also note anything you do or do not want if you wish.
• Someone posts in your thread! This character, who will now be referred to as character B, RNGs for two numbers. The first number will be the setting, and the ( Read more... )


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Comments 1612

Rude | FF7 Compilation | Women anextrapair June 1 2011, 03:08:11 UTC
In school... condition 2... brightsiding June 1 2011, 04:19:11 UTC
[ So, teach, how did you wind up with one of your students sitting in front of you on your desk? ]

[ Well. ]

[ You know those girls who aren't necessarily bad bad, but there's that one rule they keep breaking repeatedly, no matter what? Those girls who can never seem to follow dress code? That's Vanille. It was one thing to wear fur boots instead of loafers, and it was another entirely to show up to school with a skirt that couldn't even dream of passing the fingertip test. Even if it somehow magically seemed to never give a peek as to what was underneath, rules are rules. You asked her to stay after class and, when you came back in from dropping something off at the office, there she was. Seated on your desk, looking oh-so guilty with her eyes pointed toward the floor. ]

Is there anything I can do so that you won't write me up? [ She really doesn't need another dress-code violation on her record. ]


Ahh so late notifs Condition 1~ anextrapair June 1 2011, 05:05:44 UTC
[He's been in a mood all day, strange for the man who is as impassive as a brick wall on a good day. After school had ended the man had gone to his office to drop off his classes' papers, fling his tie aside because it's incredibly hot, despite the air conditioner going, and made his way back to the classroom.

He really should of expected to find her on top of his desk, by now.]

Not really. [He gives her a pointed look from behind those shades the man never seems to take off, and sat himself down in his chair in front of the desk despite the fact she's there, and baring quite an expanse of leg and thigh.]

You know I'm intolerant of disruptive behavior in my class. I think I've told you that several times.

[It's a little hard to teach when he's right along there with his students, being distracted by her attire.]


Aaah are they acting up again? :( brightsiding June 1 2011, 05:38:05 UTC
I know. But I didn't think... [ She didn't think 'disruptive behavior' included having a skirt an inch or two too short, and not just talking and interrupting his teaching. ]

[ The only way she could look more guilty was if she was being lead away in handcuffs, withering under his gaze- or at least, what she thinks is his gaze. It's kind of strange to be getting lectured on dress-code by a teacher who never took off his shades, even when he was indoors. Her hands wrapped around the edge of the desk, squeezing hard with nerves. ]

[ She'd been swinging her legs back and forth, earlier, not really aware of the gravity of her situation until she realized that: ] You know... If I get written up again... They're gonna suspend me. [ Over her skirt? It wasn't that bad, was it? She locked her ankles around one another, finally gathering courage to look him in the face. ]

You're sure? There's nothing I can do? I'll do anything..! Really.


Shoshanna Dreyfus | Inglourious Basterds cinematiques June 1 2011, 03:08:25 UTC

Minako Arisato | Persona 3 Portable wildcardette June 1 2011, 03:09:25 UTC
3,3 >///> adiosasshole June 1 2011, 11:45:49 UTC
[Normally he'd be a little unsure about this: after all, he's under fed and scraggly, and that's something you can't hide in this kinda situation. But not right now. Right now Shinjiro is a bit too eager to care]


WELP. HI THERE. ... also ffff, 5. Maid outfit get? wildcardette June 1 2011, 20:48:35 UTC
[Stupid. If Minako didn't find him attractive... well... they wouldn't really be in this situation, would they? Although waiting until she'd had a chance to get out of the maid outfit might have been a good idea.

... or not, maybe. She's not exactly focused on what she is (...was) wearing.]


2/4; I'M A HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE PERSON. also highschool AU? cashnotash June 1 2011, 16:09:17 UTC
[ Maybe she forgot something and returns to the school building to fetch it. Or maybe she wanted to do some extra studying now that the school is empty. Either way, she's going to find him in an empty classroom, hands cuffed above his head to the teacher's desk. Perhaps it's a prank gone horrible or perhaps someone just hated him that much. But basically, it sucks to be him, and it's shown in his expression. At least whoever left him there still had the courtesy to leave his clothes and books intact.

Also, hi classmate. ]



Rise Kujikawa ღ Persona 4 everylastinchof June 1 2011, 03:10:20 UTC
1 & 5... setasoujiko June 1 2011, 18:29:58 UTC
[ It was a rare opportunity. Both Nanako and Dojima were away. Souji would have come with, but exams were coming up and it was a great excuse to stay home, hit the books and take care of the house. Plus Souji had his hands full with jumping through TV's. Plus he was doubly busy with his several part time jobs. Plus Rise was over. Like hell he'd let himself be too busy to hang out with an idol ( ... )


4 >3> (sorry for late!) everylastinchof June 6 2011, 00:18:31 UTC
Oho! Lookin' good, Senpai! [Rise giggled from her seat, raking her eyes over the sight before her. The yankee look during the pageant made him look more intimidating, but the summer outfit was unexpectedly cute. Senpai had nice legs- that was kind of unfair for a boy, wasn't it? They looked really snug in those nylon. She sort of wanted to draw her fingers over them already.]

If you wore that in school, I wonder how many people would really think you were a girl.


oh god school + 7 dogcollars June 3 2011, 03:14:56 UTC
[ He was a senior. Not just a senior, but something of a reputable delinquent. He carried a gun, chained to his hip at all times. The look in his eyes made tougher students shake like children, but leave it to a woman like Rise to go for the bold approach and discover the caring side of Heine Rammsteiner.

In truth, he wasn't that much of an asshole after all. Turns out, he liked being thought of that way because people left him alone. Not that Rise's irrepressible enthusiasm could be kept at bay. Heine lauded Rise's determination, so he let her hang around with him. And being seen with Heine, no one would dare mess with her ever again.

There were conditions to any partnership, however, and Heine's conditions were pretty simple.

She had to help him overcome a terrible fear of intimacy. It wasn't that he couldn't talk to women, fuck, he talked to Rise plenty. It was... being touched that made him terribly nervous.

And certainly no one could ever know. It would be the end of his reputation.


Souji Seta ☂ Persona 4 pursuestruth June 1 2011, 03:11:05 UTC
2 and 1............................ prtnr June 1 2011, 03:48:38 UTC
Hey. Souji.


pursuestruth June 1 2011, 04:02:20 UTC


1/2 prtnr June 1 2011, 17:12:28 UTC
[ cant catch him gay thoughts ]


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