
May 17, 2011 18:21

Siren's Port
Ten Years Later Meme

How it Works:
1. Post with your character and how they've changed in ten years time. What's happened to them? Did they marry and have kids? Did they become a slave of AGI? Did they die? Did they win the lottery? The possibilities are endless!

HARD MODE: Good End and Bad End. Post with your characters Good End ( ( Read more... )

*sirenspull, !meme

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Comments 2155

Riku (also, as an example) walkthedawn May 17 2011, 22:26:34 UTC
Good End: A kid like Riku in Siren's Port? It's hard to say how he might have grown. The balance of light and dark within him has always been trouble and so it takes years...but he's finally himself. He's finally accepted all that he is. And even if he has to stay away from his family for the rest of his days, then he'll just make a family of his own. And that includes a large house by the beach where his friends come and go, where he can lay in the sand whenever he wants to, and a place that is safe refuge for everyone.

His life is dedicated to bringing the light back to Siren's Port, one day at a time. And that starts with protecting people, giving them shelter, and standing up against the companies.

Bad End: It was only a matter of time before the darkness overtook him. With Master Xehanort and Ansem leaving shallow impressions on his heart, cracking it in small places... Well, he would eventually succumb to the poison. He does not take up the old namesake of "Ansem"; he does not become the man's apprentice. He simply exists to ( ... )


little_bandages May 18 2011, 00:45:21 UTC
[It's been a decade but every once in awhile Ritsuka still stops by all the places he used to meet up with Riku, his house, his job, and such, looking for him. He doesn't know how it's possible they fell out of touch, but Ritsuka became caught up in his school work and then one day it was like Riku... simply wasn't there. Not like he was.

Today he's knocking on Riku's door anyway.]

Hey! Riku! If you're there, come out!

I got on the Dean's List again. Don't you want to see the letter?


walkthedawn May 18 2011, 13:20:38 UTC
[Riku's actually around back, but he climbs himself out of his chair and heads around to see Ritsuka. He smiles at the boy when he draws close.]

I'm here.

[It's a shame they haven't kept enough in touch. He wants to change that, really, but he's constantly looking after everyone else...]

Dean's List? Haven't they just announced that you're the best there is to be done with it? [A smile.] Congratulations, Ritsuka. How're you going to celebrate?


Veser Amaker Hatch sealbait May 17 2011, 22:29:14 UTC
GOOD END: Back in his own world not many people would have though Veser Hatch would make much of himself. What a difference ten years and being dragged to a different universe can make though. He's grown quite a bit from the obnoxious, loudmouth boy he once was to a mostly responsible, handsome man with a nice apartment he shares with his buddy Soul Eater Evans and a successful job at Undertaker's mortuary.

Though he's never gotten married Veser has been through a string of relationships, one of which resulted in a child, a little boy Veser proudly named Lee Falan Hatch. Lee's mother showed little interest in being a parent and left soon after he was born. Veser took it in stride, not minding single fatherhood in the least. Lee is now four years old and spoiled every day by a daddy who adores him and an Auntie Tenten and Uncle Soul who spoil him rotten.


BAD END: AGI finds out about Veser's selkie voice and kidnap him on his way home from work. He's a defiant brat and he has to be muzzled at all times at first to keep him from ( ... )


Re: Veser Amaker Hatch (Bad end) rhythminmysoul May 18 2011, 04:33:48 UTC

... )


Shikamaru Nara underachieves May 17 2011, 22:32:11 UTC
BAD ENDDriven to desperate measures when Edgeworth failed to dissolve his contract with AGI, Shikamaru turned to terrorism with Naruto and Itachi's assistance. The group made several successful and bloody strikes before Shikamaru was discovered to be the mole. He was executed numerous times, but when he failed to remain dead, he was instead placed in Afterglow xXx to serve a life sentence as a sex slave for those with especially deviant tastes. He is allowed ample supply of heroin to keep him docile. Visitors must pay $500/hour.

GOOD ENDFreed from his sentence and service to AGI, Shikamaru went on to become Edgeworth's protégé. After a couple of years studying law, he passed the bar exam and became a prosecutor, the profession he holds to this day. He spent less and less time involved in clandestine shinobi missions over the years, and although he still practices martial arts and ninjutsu, he devotes more time to the law than training. He lives with Naruto and Nill, running a foster home for the children of those in AGI's captivity.


LET'S GO GOOD END FIRST mentis_reae May 17 2011, 22:36:39 UTC
[The Honorable Miles Edgeworth doesn't work in this building anymore, but he's still here fairly frequently. After all, he still has to check on some of the up-and-comers in the prosecutors' office - which, of course, means a visit to Shikamaru, perhaps one of the finest prosecutors the city can claim. He's never presided over one of Shikamaru's cases - he has to recuse himself every time, after all - but that doesn't mean that he doesn't know just how well his friend can argue.]

Are you busy?


THE MOST ADORABLE underachieves May 17 2011, 22:46:34 UTC
[He's always busy. But that doesn't mean he's not eager to take a break whenever he can. He's smoking when Edgeworth appears in his office, and yes that's not allowed and he knows it so he crushes the cigarette into an ashtray before directing a crooked, almost sheepish grin at his visitor.]

Hey! Not really.


mentis_reae May 17 2011, 22:48:16 UTC
[Edgeworth offers him a smile that's still a bit restrained, but which is open.]

Aren't I obligated to report you for that, Counselor?


hellsing_heir May 17 2011, 22:32:25 UTC
[Good End: Integra Hellsing was meant to be the head of her household, the driving force that saves the world when she was only 22, just when it looks as if it is too late. But things have changed, she has changed, once a scared child lost in the vastness of Siren's Port. Now she's on the verge of being a college graduate, living her life in a way that's become acceptably normal, by her standards.

Her prejudice against monsters and freaks, perhaps, has softened. Now she has other goals in her life, to work against atrocities brought on by humans themselves while still being true to the Hellsing name.]

((Replies from amissionfromgod from here on out~


(The comment has been removed)

amissionfromgod May 17 2011, 23:23:51 UTC
Just a few more weeks left. [Oh exams. Thankfully she has always had the drive to push herself to actually study.] I have not seen you in some time, Akira.


Miles Edgeworth. THREE POSSIBLE ENDINGS. Please feel free to hit me up multiple times! mentis_reae May 17 2011, 22:32:33 UTC
GOOD END: Edgeworth's case against AGI is successful, and the system of slavery is brought down. From there, he uses the case precedent to go after SERO experimentation - with less success, admittedly, since SERO manages to ensure that there's a loophole left where people can sign a paper that allows SERO to experiment on them, but still - it's something. His life isn't without turmoil - having a high profile isn't always the safest position to be in in Siren's Port - but he survives the ups and downs. In time, he settles down, is named a judge by the new Newcomer-dominated government, and starts a family. He has two children - Atticus, age 5, and Beatrice, age 2. His home has a view of the water and has a remarkable sense of peace.

BAD END 1: Edgeworth's case against AGI fails. Edgeworth consequently loses his job with the city and, with his confidence shaken, his voice amongst the Newcomers. While he's no longer a threat to AGI, Tully DeDrago is a vengeful sort; they're not content to let him be merely disgraced rather than ( ... )


GOOD END FIRST proxysearch May 17 2011, 22:52:54 UTC
[Re-l's flourished in her time in Siren's Port, though you'd never think she was thirty. The Amrita Cells have slowed her growth to a crawl, and while it doesn't help her when she goes out drinking, it does have its other uses. Now, as Chief of Police, she sees Edgeworth often enough on the clock but she's definitely not on duty when she comes knocking today.]


YEEEE <3 mentis_reae May 17 2011, 22:56:57 UTC
[He is a bit older now - thirty-six, good Lord - and his eyesight has weakened a bit, so he wears glasses more frequently now. His hair is gray about the temples, though given his natural color that's something you can only see if you look closely. And he has wrinkles - smile-lines about the eyes, incongruously. When he sees who his visitor is, though his mouth stays solemn, those lines crinkle up.]

Chief Mayer.


proxysearch May 17 2011, 23:06:51 UTC
[She gives him a smile, draped in the doorway like some kind of black cat in that outfit of hers. The years have brought more color to her wardrobe, lighter tones and no more makeup. Her skin has gone from pale to a natural hue once out in the sunlight more.]

You're never just going to call me Re-l, are you?


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