Writer's Block: Where Names Come From

Aug 02, 2008 17:02

So is there a story? You bet there is!

I'm not going to expose my real name, but I am going to tell the story behind it. I am named after my grandmother (my father's mother), who had died long before I was born. But because my parents wanted my name to be more unique, they decided to take the first and last letter of my grandmother name (whose name is only three letters), and fill the middle with three other letters-thus creating a new name with the memory of my grandmother in it. The end result is that my name is composed of five letters, the first and the last from my grandmother's name.

Now, anther thing, for those of you who don't know this fact, I live in Israel, thus my native language is Hebrew. Now that we all know this, my real name has a meaning in Hebrew; it can be divided into two words-the first three letters of my name mean in Hebrew 'many' or 'plenty', the last two letters mean 'dew' (which is basically water). So if we put those two together, we'll get that the meaning of my name is: 'many dew' or in anther words 'a lot of water'. I really like that this what my name mean because according to my mother I was born at 01:00 AM (which we all know is usually when one can find dew) and that it was raining (i.e. a lot of water J). I think this name fit my really well-don't you?

Also, anyone that has been reading TRC would know that in the latest chapters we had found out that water really loves Sakura -and it so happen that so am I! Coincidence? I would let you be the judge of that…J

So now that I covered the story behind my real name, I think it's time to move over to my screen name: Nightingale-R3.

So what the story behind this name? Well, the truth is that both Nightingale and R3 have different meaning for me. So let's begin…

Nightingale-first off, I took this name after my Google account name (which is nightingale22ster). At the time that I choose that name (nightingale), I just had finished reading Tales of the Otori Trilogy (you can find out more here), and I really loved the name of the first book which is Across the Nightingale Floor, I loved the title so much that I had decided to name my Google (and later on my LJ) user name as Nightingale. Of course I had to add on something, but that the basic origin of the Nightingale from the Nightingale-R# pair.

R3-this actually has get to do with my real name, if you take my full name (first and last), you would find out that it contain the letter 'R' three times, hence R3!

So there you have it-the true story behind my real name and screen name! Hope you found this interesting, I would love to hear your own stories J

writer's block

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