Title: Faux-Pas
Summary: McGee discovers Tony’s Mother of All Secrets and decides to make the most of it, with disastrous consequences (slash/McNozzo).
Categories: NCIS
Rating: M
Characters: Tony DiNozzo, Tim McGee, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Abby Sciuto, Ziva David, Dr Donald Mallard, Jimmy Palmer, OC.
Pairing: Tony/Tim.
Genres: Alternate universe/slash/
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Comments 2
Tony was trying to deal with it alone because he feared that Gibbs would blame him for all that mess, as people had blamed him before for other things.
Tim's reaction is very childish, but he will become more mature and will understand a lot of things from the recent events.
You won't have to wait for long to discover the attacker's motives.
In Tim's defense, he's rather in shock and fears to hurt Tony even more by moving him alone.
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