How to credit

May 05, 2009 21:32

As with the majority of the graphic communities, credit is a must (it is NOT optional). If you are unfamiliar with how to properly credit the graphics that are made for you in this community, don't worry - it is very simple and easy to do!

To credit icons, you must credit both the maker and the community.

To credit x_metal_angel_x:
(copy and paste into the comment section for the icon ~ thanks!)
Made by: @

To credit another maker who makes in this community:
(copy and paste the following template into the comment section for the icon, replace MAKER_NAME with the name of the maker ~ thanks!)
Made by: @

[First ensure you have saved your icon to your computer]
1. To upload a new userpic (icon) you must go to the "Manage Userpics" section. To get there, click on the following link:
2. Once you are there, in the "Upload a New Userpic" section make sure the "From File:" radial button is clicked. Then, click the "Browse" or "Choose File" button (depending on browser) to locate the icon file on your computer that you wish to upload.
3. Next, enter a description meaningful to you in the "Keywords:" textbox and credit the maker and community in the "Comment:" textbox. [This is mandatory for proper credit.]
For example, if the following icon was made for you...

and you want to properly credit it, you would fill in the boxes as described in the picture below:

4. It is up to you if you wish to make this icon your default userpic. If you want to, check the box next to "Make this your default userpic".
5. Finally, to end, click on the "Proceed" button.
6. You're done! =]

To credit graphics other than icons (e.g. blinkies, banners, sig tags, etc...) you may leave credit under the graphic using the same credit as above (like for the icons); or you may use hover credit. If you don't know how, please see below:

To credit x_metal_angel_x:

For example, the following icon is credited via hover credit:
(point your mouse over the graphic to see the hover credit)

If you have any doubts, questions, or concerns about how to credit, please do not hesitate to ask! Leave a comment here. All comments are screened.

!how-to-credit, !publicpost

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