Ohhhh~~ Nightbaron-chan This is sooo beautifuull~~~~~
i cried really TT.TT
somehow i could vividly see YamaJima there~~ *oh man i think i'm too caught up with YamaJima* but really the plot really make me thinking of YamaJima~ in Yama-chan's POV btw ^^
and How i miss you so much~~ Genki? How's with your life and graduation and university, anything~ ^_^
I'm a little bit desperate this time seeing person lose their faith in YamaJima little by little~~ But i wont give up, i'm gonna try my best to keep YamaJima alive and make people sure about them again~~ Please help me along~~ Well there are still a lot of people that still Love them XDD
Oh yeah how's Yatsuiko-chan~~?
btw, i've posted up a YamaJima fic that was ispired by your meme (the dance teacher and Chemistry teacher LOL)
Wow, thank you for seriously liking it, to the point of even crying... woah... I'm being blown away by the way people are reacting to this, both here in the net and in RL... seriously, THANK YOU
After writing it and reading it over, I was kinda imagining Yamajima too, in some sense... and yeah, if it was Yamajima, I was thinking something along Yama-chan's POV too... but really, any pairing will do ^^
And I really really REALLY miss you too~~~ I'm genki, mostly... university plans... I'm getting there slowly ^^ life is a little stressful right now but I'm fine, I guess... more or less :)
Don't lose faith, ne? Yamajima is definitely alive! I'm not even minding the people that are saying those words anymore... I dunno, I just feel confident that they're really alive, as of the moment
( ... )
This is so beautifully written. And seriously, something so beautiful is obviously from someone who have experienced it first hand.
(After reading it, I still think you're a bit luckier. You got to dance with him after all. Even if all is gone, you'll be able to hold on to that tiny breath-taking memory. You won't have to hold on to a dream. Because something real happened. ...Ah emo-ness is swallowing my loveless heart...)
Thank you. Really, these words, coming from you, really mean a lot to me... since, well, you've been one of the prime witnesses, it really helps for someone to understand... really, thank you~
Yeah... maybe life exists so we can experience all the sides of the story, after all... maybe that's why it came out this way...
Yeah, I'm still lucky. At least something happened... I still have a reason to hang on... even if it means still hurting a little... maybe when the time comes when I completely let go, I can still look back to this with a small smile...
Oh, BJ and Rissalie asked for copies. Regine actually hugged me. Maybe I should always be heartbroken so people would appreciate me more lols
Oh, and please don't be emo... this is still not the right time after all... and of all the things you could have said, I don't think you have a loveless heart... you have the ability to love and the charm to make other people love you, so just keep on believing :)
"It's better to hold on to a bittersweet memory, than hold on to a blissful illusion." -an idol writer told me this. And it is sooooo true!!!
(Baka!!! Being heartbroken doesn't really mean they'll appreciate you. Your honesty towards the matter was the reason, baka.)
I'm not that emo anyway. (just the usual emo, lol) almost everyone knows that the person I like-like is someone who would NEVER love me. haha. it's such a common fact, it's kinda stupid.
Wah, thanks for thinking it was awesome, but please don't be sad... maybe that's what I wanted to do, let other people feel what I felt while I was writing this... I'm a little glad you were on the letter-writer's shoes while reading this... thanks for liking it ^^
You know that I;m not a fan of inhumanity. I'm not a fan of dull reality as well.
But to be really honest, as in YES I AM THOROUGHLY HONEST. This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. Seriously. I'm not kidding around here. When I first read this, I wasn't looking for the reason why you wrote this. I read it. Like I don't have any clue what was really happening. I read it like I was a mother looking at my newborn baby. (WTF MY METAPHORS) I was just carried away by the emotions that were stuffed in it. It didn't give me a chance to think of an OTP or something. It's so true... and I am so in love and in awe.
If this 'letter' was a guy, I would actually forget Takaki for him. YES. I DO. It's just so... LOVE. <3
It's not appropriate for me to tell you "nice job". You didn't do this to amuse us/make us flail or something. You did this for yourself. You were so honest about your feelings. And I congratulate you for that. :)
Seriously, I am feeling so blessed right now... even if things turned out this way, people who read this understand. And I'm just feeling so grateful for what people are saying... they are just simply... *cries some more and is speechless for a while
( ... )
Comments 24
i cried really TT.TT
somehow i could vividly see YamaJima there~~ *oh man i think i'm too caught up with YamaJima* but really the plot really make me thinking of YamaJima~ in Yama-chan's POV btw ^^
and How i miss you so much~~ Genki? How's with your life and graduation and university, anything~ ^_^
I'm a little bit desperate this time seeing person lose their faith in YamaJima little by little~~ But i wont give up, i'm gonna try my best to keep YamaJima alive and make people sure about them again~~ Please help me along~~ Well there are still a lot of people that still Love them XDD
Oh yeah how's Yatsuiko-chan~~?
btw, i've posted up a YamaJima fic that was ispired by your meme (the dance teacher and Chemistry teacher LOL)
Hope you like it ne~~ XDD
I hope you're feeling okay this time~~ cheer up na~~
After writing it and reading it over, I was kinda imagining Yamajima too, in some sense... and yeah, if it was Yamajima, I was thinking something along Yama-chan's POV too... but really, any pairing will do ^^
And I really really REALLY miss you too~~~ I'm genki, mostly... university plans... I'm getting there slowly ^^ life is a little stressful right now but I'm fine, I guess... more or less :)
Don't lose faith, ne? Yamajima is definitely alive! I'm not even minding the people that are saying those words anymore... I dunno, I just feel confident that they're really alive, as of the moment ( ... )
i can't help but imagine YOU. no, srsly.
i think that situation is you? i mean you did tell me about your prom and all...
i'll try reading with different pairings... =)
Yeah, it is me, in some sense... and you kinda know the events, so maybe you understand it better? :)
Hai, feel free to imagine any pairing that you like ^^
man i can see the picture completely even though the guy's face is a blur...
*hugs you back*
Woah, you can see it... amazing...
This is so beautifully written. And seriously, something so beautiful is obviously from someone who have experienced it first hand.
(After reading it, I still think you're a bit luckier. You got to dance with him after all. Even if all is gone, you'll be able to hold on to that tiny breath-taking memory. You won't have to hold on to a dream. Because something real happened. ...Ah emo-ness is swallowing my loveless heart...)
Thank you. Really, these words, coming from you, really mean a lot to me... since, well, you've been one of the prime witnesses, it really helps for someone to understand... really, thank you~
Yeah... maybe life exists so we can experience all the sides of the story, after all... maybe that's why it came out this way...
Yeah, I'm still lucky. At least something happened... I still have a reason to hang on... even if it means still hurting a little... maybe when the time comes when I completely let go, I can still look back to this with a small smile...
Oh, BJ and Rissalie asked for copies. Regine actually hugged me. Maybe I should always be heartbroken so people would appreciate me more lols
(Baka!!! Being heartbroken doesn't really mean they'll appreciate you. Your honesty towards the matter was the reason, baka.)
I'm not that emo anyway. (just the usual emo, lol) almost everyone knows that the person I like-like is someone who would NEVER love me. haha. it's such a common fact, it's kinda stupid.
what's this~ i suddenly feel that i'm the one talking in your story... you are awesome... i feel sad! TAT
I'm not a fan of dull reality as well.
But to be really honest, as in YES I AM THOROUGHLY HONEST. This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. Seriously. I'm not kidding around here. When I first read this, I wasn't looking for the reason why you wrote this. I read it. Like I don't have any clue what was really happening. I read it like I was a mother looking at my newborn baby. (WTF MY METAPHORS) I was just carried away by the emotions that were stuffed in it. It didn't give me a chance to think of an OTP or something. It's so true... and I am so in love and in awe.
If this 'letter' was a guy, I would actually forget Takaki for him. YES. I DO. It's just so... LOVE. <3
It's not appropriate for me to tell you "nice job". You didn't do this to amuse us/make us flail or something. You did this for yourself. You were so honest about your feelings. And I congratulate you for that. :)
PS This is a really serious comment, eh~
Okay, replying properly in process...
I... I...
*finally breaks down and cries*
Seriously, I am feeling so blessed right now... even if things turned out this way, people who read this understand. And I'm just feeling so grateful for what people are saying... they are just simply... *cries some more and is speechless for a while ( ... )
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