Firstly, I want you to realize that my hair is not a tootsie roll.

Apr 01, 2006 19:26

There are times in life, when an idea hits you. Not one of those earth shattering epiphany type ideas, nor even a niggling back-brain story idea that whispers at you about this one feeling that you can maybe create on paper if you just sift through the words you have long enough. No, these ideas are simply brilliant, though somewhat shakey in ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

etben April 2 2006, 01:36:33 UTC
Piracy on the roadways of america! That would be awesome beyond the telling of it. Minivans do indeed have the sort of ugly dignity I've always associated with pirate ships - I mean, they're ugly, but for what they do? They work, man, and beyond a certain point, you cannot mock that.

Also, as far as hangovers go? Yes. Absolutely. The hangover is a stage of depressurization, which keeps you from getting the bends as you surface back into reality. It is the dressing room of life, in which you wonder who's been using your lipstick and then shrug, sigh, and put on your 'normal person! no, really!' hat.

And, um. Hi! *re-lurks*


shayheyred April 2 2006, 01:48:59 UTC
Perhaps the sliding door can unhinge and open top to bottom, creating a gangplank for boarding the other car, or for making captives stolen from plundered cars walk the door. Or plank.



lyra_sena April 2 2006, 04:59:05 UTC

....weeps. (DON'T ENCOURAGE HER)


ayrdaomei April 2 2006, 03:25:42 UTC
**laughs** I feel the same way about A Walk To Remember, which I find myself watching whenever it's on cable. Which is all the time. I have purposely avoided The Notebook because I have a feeling about what it would do to me, and I'm trying to pretend that the LINE MUST BE DRAWN HERE.


thepouncer April 2 2006, 03:50:19 UTC
Just think about it! You're not limited to Frappacinos and Burger King as the targets of piracy. The pirate horde could find vehicles returning home from Costco! And strip them of their booty - soy milk, DVDs, glassware, vitamins, cookies, VHS tapes, clothes, books, CDs - the possibilities are endless. *dreams*


lyra_sena April 2 2006, 05:05:52 UTC
I am commenting mainly to use the complementing icon to yours.


And also to say that you are a special kind of insane, but then you know I love that particular brand.

I would also like to say that I was totally with you on the Sparks thing until:
He makes a zombie of you, and you (and I) love it.

and then I got scared and curled in a fetal position and cried until my eyes bled.

THE LORD SENT YOU TO ME!! (that will never stop being funny)

okay, this comment is now finis.


remind me to tell you how grateful I am like I have never been before that you didn't spoil me for Ahab's Wife even when I totally said this afternoon a very leading statement that could have led you to spoil a later part of the book, because OH. MY. GOD. this book OWNS ME, [Nifra] (lord, I had to edit that name there, yeah sorry I'm a bit tipsy) but anyway, OWNS ME, my darling podlet. So much that I think I'm going to have to write Ms. Sena a letter when I finish it. I haven't swooned this much or clutched my chest this much over a ( ... )


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