So, this is the result of a big WoW patch. ///WARNING!/// ///the following may contain arguably mature (but probably far from it) content!/// ( quizzybubbles! )
Ever seen a movie that you looked at and thought: "H0LY CR4PZ0RZ! D47'5 50 4ND 50!" (editors note: for you leet illiterate thats: "HOLY CRAP! THAT'S SO AND SO
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so i had what was evasivly refered to as a doctors appointment this morning. we leave home and go, not to the doctors office... but to my dentist. im home now, my parents are gone to kalamazoo to get a part, my brother is in the basement doing... whatever the heck he does down there. and thats my day so far. *scampers away*
why mew not sreep more? *tacklehug Townsend* sillysillysillysillysillysillysillysillysillysillysilly
welp, off to the shower, then the car, then the doctors office. wish me luck! (the kind of luck where the doctors office has to close before we get there or the car wont start)