I tried taking movie footage of Baby Boy freaking out :D He is actually kicking like crazy, but the footage is really crappy. I used a pencil so you could see the movement a bit better.http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y69/Bijin911/?
haha that is awesome! I wish Eric would do that for me when I have my webcam/camera/phone/husband around! He's gotten into the habit of kicking like crazy for awhile and as soon as I go get my husband to put his hand on my belly, he stops lol My dog likes resting his head on my belly too and Eric enjoys kicking his head!
Isn't that just awful! My poor husband has only felt him kick once. He will be rolling around so much that you can see it, but as soon as my husband wants to feel, he won't move. Crazy kiddos!!
Comments 6
Soon, Allie's going to have a baby brother!!!!
by the way, my update of my life is at http://fatedhearts.blogsome.com
well my love life though hehehe.
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