(no subject)

May 24, 2009 09:48

Before I go on with my hotness poll, I need to make a Public Service Announcement/Disclaimer.

It seems from some comments here and elsewhere, several people have been genuinely upset and/or angry over the results of this poll to some degree. As choices get harder each round, it ultimately comes down to personal favorites, which are often biased toward fandom and always completely subjective. I know it's weird for me to pull the "sexy is subjective" card in the HTML box where I type VOTE FOR THE LEAST ATTRACTIVE every day, but that's why there's a "you" in the poll question. This is not a scientific study. It exists because:

1. FUN!
2. I like polls and multifandom squee. It brings out people on my flist I haven't seen or talked to in a while, and the occasional random lurker and friends-friend.
3. I wanted to showcase 30 people I think are awesome and beautiful, and have an excuse to post lots of pictures of them.

If the internet was fair and tailored to my tastes, I wouldn't see those totally meh guys from "Supernatural" everywhere er, it wouldn't be interesting. So please don't despair if Hot Person A got voted off slightly after Hot Person B, but before Hot Person C who has funny teeth. On frak island, everyone is a winner.

Moving on. Some ties this week! It's really getting close.

eliminated this time...

James Franco

Oh, James Franco. People have been hating on him this whole poll and I don't know why! D: He's so gorgeous and James Dean-lookin'. He's the only Judd Apatow veteran whose name doesn't make me instantly roll my eyes yet ("Milk" helped. Not many people can pull off the '70s pornstache and still look hot). And he has a cheesy-darling smile that melts me.

Enver Gjokaj

This is one of those guys I'd probably have a hard time figuring out what anybody sees in him (see also: Clive Owen?) until one day I just get it. He's kind of odd-looking, with the added non-bonus of reminding me of my old high school when he was pretending to be Russian. Yet there's something I just find incredibly endearing and sweet about him lately, which is only magnified by the fact he plays the only guy on "Dollhouse" worth sympathizing with. *snugs Victor, and Enver too*

John Krasinski

Another guy who wouldn't normally be my type, but slowly grew on me because -- like every other 21st century single woman with a desk job -- I need a Jim from "The Office" in my life, plz. My crush was confirmed when those Gap ads came out and I realized I had an overwhelming urge to buy a scarf BE that scarf. Plus, I saw him chilling out in my city one time (although I was too paralyzed with fangirl to go beyond eye contact) and he did not disappoint up close. At all.

Miracle Laurie

Awww, goodbye beautiful "Dollhouse" actress who looks normal and not twig-shaped! I really hope you're still on the show when it comes back, somehow. I have a confession to make: Mellie/November as a character did nothing for me. Wanted to like her, but eventually I just kind of tuned her out and stared at the pretty. :p Which makes Miracle Laurie, like, the only person this round who's not based on at least 60% character love.

Christina Hendricks

Okay, I recant all that high-minded stuff I said at the start of this entry. SHAAAAME on you guys! *g* There is not a thing I don't love about this woman. As Head Bitch in Charge Joan on "Mad Men", as Saffron on "Firefly", or any future roles she might choose to be awesome in. The hair! The curves! The bitchitude! <3 <3 <3 She may have been voted off frak island, but she wins the meaningless poll in my heart. At least, her and Six would fight over it. HI FANFIC.

Because three guys were eliminated this time, I'm trying to even things out this round. Not too confusing, right?

Poll Countdown to Final Hotness:
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