Third Order of St. Dominic Prescribed Actions and Duties

Jan 27, 2011 12:14

Невялічкі тэкст паніжэй даю без перакладу. Бо для каго гэна актуальна - зразумее патроху й без перакладу, а для каго не актуальна - не змарную час свой і сілы дарэмна :)

In 1285 a Rule for the Laity was adopted and approved by Pope Honorius IV. All Third Orders are not required to follow the same Rule in exactly the same way, though members must do their best to do what is commonly practiced by their particular Third Order chapter. Below are duties of members of Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Chapter (the Third Order chapter at Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel).

Third Order of St. Dominic Prescribed Actions and Duties


* Accomplishment of the duties of one's state in life (your everyday duties at home and work etc)
* Observance of the Rule (ask for a copy, otherwise will be posted here soon)
* Say one "Eternal Rest Grant unto them Oh Lord", one "Our Father" and one "Hail Mary" for all living and deceased members of the Third Order
* (Ideally) Participation in the celebration of the Mass with reception of the Eucharist
* Say the Liturgical Office of the Blessed Virgin, or another approved Little Office, or 15 decades of the Rosary, or at the very least, 5 decades of the Rosary
* Spiritual reading (i.e. Lives of the Saints, Imitation of Christ etc, but especially the wealth of Dominican authors and writings)
* Modesty of dress


* Recite Office of the Dead (1 hour or nocturne each day for 5 days)


* Receive the Sacrament of Penance at least monthly (preferably twice monthly)
* (Ideally) Receive Communion in the body with other chapter members on the third Sunday of each month
* (Ideally) Say one of the hours of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the other Third Order members after Mass on the Third Sunday of each month
* (Ideally) Faithfully attend monthly chapter meetings and functions of the chapter


* To hear, or have offered, three Masses for all Dominicans living and deceased

On Death of a Member

* Within eight days following the death notice of a member, each Tertiary of the same Fraternity should recite five decades of the Rosary and attend one Mass while offering the Mass and Communion for the repose of their soul


* Every Friday, and on the vigils of Rosary Sunday (first Sunday of Oct) and of St. Dominic (Aug 4)

Note: these duties have proven to be effective by more than seven centuries of experience, but they do not bind themselves under sin nor do they affect your membership if you unintentionally miss any of them. Also note that most of these actions (or their equivalents) are already performed by most Catholics on a regular basis, so becoming a Third Order Tertiary should be an easy goal for most Catholics!

from «About St. Dominic and the Third Order of St. Dominic»

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