Snapshots Week One: Hated Nightfall

Aug 04, 2011 11:06

I've been meaning to do this for awhile but life was very busy. Each week I will post a Nicola picture that I have on my pc and do a mini write up of the production/show so people can learn more about Nicola's work :) If you have requests/pictures send them to me :)

First up is Nicola in the play Hated Nightfall (1994)

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play, snapshots

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Comments 4

sofie_sanctuary August 4 2011, 09:55:54 UTC
Love that you're doing this!
I was thinking, why didn't I go to this, and then I noticed the date 1994. I was 4 lol, that's why :p


dweomeroflight August 4 2011, 10:19:08 UTC
Glad to be of Nicola related assistance ;) I've been meaning to start for awhile but my life was just way too busy!

AND LOL to the last part. Incidentally, I was 4 then too :)


born_spook August 4 2011, 14:56:49 UTC
This is so interesting - thank you!

If only Nicola had been in my consciousness in 1994. ;)


dweomeroflight August 5 2011, 00:22:16 UTC
I was 4 at the time. So there was absolutely no hope for me ;)


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