Inside Men

Mar 13, 2012 21:20

Well by now Inside Men is well and truly done and dusted. I wanted to give people in other countries time to watch it ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

persiflage_1 March 13 2012, 10:23:20 UTC
I gave up half way through the first ep. The characters simply didn't appeal to me.


dweomeroflight March 13 2012, 10:27:07 UTC
They were all pretty annoying, I found.


persiflage_1 March 13 2012, 10:28:12 UTC


born_spook March 13 2012, 19:02:00 UTC
I too didn't really warm to any of the characters and it just wasn't my kind of drama at all. I did watch to the conclusion though as I was curious as to the outcome and was watching for Nicola, but found it all rather cold and uninspiring. I need to connect with the characters on some level, and that didn't happen really. The only character I warmed to, to some degree, was Nicola's, not through any bias, but simply as she was innocently caught up in events and seemed like a decent woman.

I usually judge my opinion of something by how likely I am to rewatch it - and I deleted Inside Men from my Sky box as soon as it ended! ;)


dweomeroflight March 13 2012, 23:00:14 UTC
Cold and uninspiring is a perfect description! And I agree with you- Nicola was the most likeable character because she seemed caught up in events beyond her control.


born_spook March 14 2012, 00:06:25 UTC
Yes, exactly. All bar one of the main characters (the guy who eventually decided what they were doing was wrong and had a crisis of conscience) were unsympathetic and ultimately responsible for things getting out of hand. It's hard to cheer for their cause in any way, shape or form really.


sometimesartist March 13 2012, 20:05:09 UTC
I really liked it but it was a complete mindfuck especially the last episode. YOU CAN'T LEAVE IT WITH THAT?! ALSFDJLL.


dweomeroflight March 13 2012, 22:59:16 UTC
You almost make me want to go back and watch the rest. Almost.


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