Discussion Post 10.6

Oct 26, 2011 09:38

Under cut link in case (well you know the drill)

shhh major spoilers )

spooks, character: ruth evershed, shippers unite, discussion

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Comments 20

the_silverdoe October 25 2011, 22:41:54 UTC
Your cut is broken, we can see the spoilery bit!

As for a reaction, I need to re-watch and gather my feelings first. I'll come back when I'm really sure of what I think and feel.


dweomeroflight October 25 2011, 22:43:47 UTC
It's fixed now :) (I fixed it straight away lol... panicsssss)

Fair enough. I don't think I'll be rewatching myself but I'd be interested to hear from you with some awesome meta.


the_silverdoe October 25 2011, 22:46:15 UTC
Lol, I thought I'd tell you in case you didn't see it!

Awesome meta? You're too kind! I'll try my best. ;)


crazymaryt October 25 2011, 22:50:57 UTC
I'm not going to sugar coat my feelings. I hated it and it has made me not want to ever watch Spooks again. It's a bit drastic yes but I can't believe how strongly I feel about this.

It was so pointless to bring Ruth to end like this. Harry will suffer forever. Pointless and unfair.


dweomeroflight October 25 2011, 22:59:23 UTC
I feel rather the same *hugs* I feel like I won't want to watch past 8.8 ever again.

What was the point of bringing Ruth back if she was just going to be another sacrifice... not even a particularly special one.


brina_xo October 26 2011, 00:06:37 UTC
I know I will probably get some hate on this but as much as I hated that the killed Ruth and the pain Harry is now going to have the rest of his life, I can see why they did it. I think they wanted to show that you don't get a happy ending as a spy. You either are killed or you have to leave and have a whole new life and live more lies. I have to say though I always knew Nicola Walker was an incredible actress, now seeing Ruth's death scene it has totally confirmed it. I couldn't stop crying after that scene. I feel so bad for Harry cause now all he as left is he life as a spy. All in all I think it was a really good way to end the series. :)


dweomeroflight October 26 2011, 10:56:45 UTC
No hate allowed on this comm though I respectfully disagree with you.

I didn't need Ruth and Harry to get together. I didn't even need Ruth to live. But a bit of hope for a brighter future would have been nice. If I wanted nihilism I'd read Nietsche.

Call me an idealist.


the_silverdoe October 26 2011, 16:37:12 UTC
No hate at all, and even though I'm broken-hearted and a bit angry, part of me agrees with you. It did seem like a coherent ending to me, even though they could have not killed her and I'd have been happier! But let's face it, they were never going to get a happy ending, and if we had to have a sad ending, I like the way they decided to do it. Nicola Walker and Peter Firth were incredible. :)


persiflage_1 October 26 2011, 06:08:47 UTC
I need fix-it fic STAT!

I could've coped with them killing off everyone - but to just kill off Ruth? NO! HOW VERY DARE THEY?!


dweomeroflight October 26 2011, 10:57:41 UTC
It was so pointless. That's what gets me most of all. I was blatantly manipulated and I HATE that.


persiflage_1 October 26 2011, 13:35:27 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

dweomeroflight October 26 2011, 10:57:50 UTC


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