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Comments 13

dweomeroflight September 13 2011, 22:33:50 UTC
Eh where is everyone? I'll just rec some for you all then ;)

This one by < lj user="zulu_ottawa"> is a personal favourite of mine. It's got spoilers for up until 9.8 and is Ruth/Dimitri (which works better than you might first suppose) Suspended like scales

This one by < lj user="daygloparker"> is another post George Ruth fic that I love to bits because it was both beautifully written and solidified my thoughts about post 8.1 Ruth in the meta department. Elocation (Exit Us)

If you're a Doctor Who fan like me you might like < lj user="belantana"> crossover fic's with Nine/Ruth and Eleven/Ruth

Nine/Ruth Differences of the Body

Eleven/Ruth Carpe Diem and all That

I probably have some more somewhere that I am in love with. I am sure there is a s8 Ruth brief fic of zulu_ottawa somewhere that I am in love with! I will be back!


dweomeroflight September 13 2011, 22:35:11 UTC
Honestly my coding is being silly today. The authors linked in order of reference are:



(The comment has been removed)

dweomeroflight September 14 2011, 01:15:35 UTC

One of these days I will write Eleven/Ruth fic myself. Can you imagine Eleven saying to Ruth after all of her angst "The way I see it life is a pile of good and bad things. The good things don't cancel out the bad things but by the same token the bad doesn't cancel out the good and make it unimportant." That would sort Ruth out.


dweomeroflight September 13 2011, 23:03:52 UTC
And found the other most excellent zulu_ottawa fic :)

Spoilers for series eight. I love to tell others

And some of mine if you care to give me a try :P

One Crowded Hour Spoilers for up until 9.8, M for a sex scene and angsty as all hell.

Conversations Spoilers for s8, a series of conversations between Ruth and other characters because I thought she was seriously underdeveloped in s8 after George happened.


maaaaarsha September 14 2011, 02:28:16 UTC

Don't know if i referenced that right but seriously james bond + ruth what more could you want ;)


dweomeroflight September 14 2011, 10:13:36 UTC
You did it right :)


lost_spook September 14 2011, 11:35:19 UTC
Okay, it seems I must have read & liked a couple of Yuletide ones from last year. :-) ('Yuletide' almost always means 'awesome fic' without saying anything more anyway.)

Let Our Weakness Speak by Vaznetti (2303 words. Post S9 Harry/Ruth, angsty.)
The Devil Makes Work by ladyvivien (1020 words, Ruth/Harry, but mainly a snapshot of S2 Ruth being Ruth.)

(Links go to AO3.)


dweomeroflight September 14 2011, 11:53:09 UTC
OMG ANGSTY GOODNESS. I am addicted to post 8.1 Ruth fic like you can't even know.


persiflage_1 September 17 2011, 09:03:00 UTC
I once wrote a Spooks fic.

I never did it again, because (a) almost no one read it, and (b) posting it on the main comm resulted in me getting my head bitten off, so I decided to not risk it a second time.


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