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Comments 19

dweomeroflight September 9 2011, 22:05:18 UTC
Hmmm I have alot but I'll pick the one the comm was named after...

Ruth: Bugger the Home Office!
Harry: If Only...



persiflage_1 September 10 2011, 05:21:07 UTC
My mind is a haze of pain, and therefore blank...


dweomeroflight September 10 2011, 21:38:54 UTC
:( I'll supply one for you :)

Ruth re Juliet: I take it the old witch isn't staying for tea then?


persiflage_1 September 11 2011, 05:36:43 UTC
Thanks - that is amusing!


novindalf September 10 2011, 13:20:00 UTC
Not said by Ruth, but I rather like this one:

Harry (to Ruth): Do you also turn water into wine?



dweomeroflight September 11 2011, 02:28:54 UTC
What episode was that? I fail at the episode memory test. Time for a rewatch ;)


novindalf September 11 2011, 13:37:29 UTC
I believe it was 4.6


dweomeroflight September 12 2011, 08:54:19 UTC
:D Love it! And lost_spook icon of it!


born_spook September 11 2011, 02:24:28 UTC
"A mistake of judgement maybe, but not of decency."


dweomeroflight September 11 2011, 02:29:27 UTC
Oh gosh my episode memory is bad. Which episode was this?

Yeah I know. Basically I suck.


born_spook September 11 2011, 02:44:38 UTC
9.3 ;)


born_spook September 11 2011, 02:45:58 UTC
...and no you don't suck. As your Season 9 DVDs are still yet to reach you, you are excused for sure. ;)


lost_spook September 11 2011, 07:05:46 UTC
I don't know. So many. I didn't check these, so they probably are wild paraphrases:

"Shall I hit him again, Adam?"

"If it's not illegal, it's very, very naughty."

Almost everything she says in 2.5, but especially the "I am my job" line. And "Lay all your troubles on the king? You don't get to do that. Leaders don't have feelings." and "We should be with our loved ones. Even if we've only got a cat."

And when she rounds on the patronising professor in 4.01 & 4.02.

And lots of others.


dweomeroflight September 11 2011, 11:54:01 UTC
AHHH you make me want to rewatch s1-4 so badly! Those were the days!

"If it's not illegal, it's very, very naughty" is classic!



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