Remember the
drabble-meme? Laura asked for SH, looking at the stars. Here they are, I hope you like it, babe.
Title: Questions & Answers
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Characters/Pairing: Starsky & Hutch (gen)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Thank you
true-brit for your help.
Word Count: 100
They sat on the beach, watching the waves, looking at the stars, just trying to pick up the pieces of Hutch's life.
"I still don't understand what I could've done differently." Hutch had been asking this question over and over again ever since Vanessa left him.
Starsky shuddered involuntary; some questions just flat out scared him.
"Maybe it's not about you. Maybe some people just stop loving one day," he whispered cautiously.
After a while of sitting in silence, Hutch asked, "Do you think it can happen to us?"
Well, this question scared Starsky, too.
But the answer did not.