Title: Day and Night (7) Rating: R Summary: The team works to find Catherine. Pairings: Ryan/Natalia, Eric/Calleigh, Sara/Nick, Warrick/Catherine A/N: There will probably be one more chapter and an epilogue. Probably. Thanks to
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Okay, so I so didn't expect Ronnie to be involved in this. I totally forgot about Ronnie. Speaking of Ronnie, whatever did have to that character on the show? I honestly don't recall (maybe I should have been paying more attention).
So, lovely chapter, with a lovely little twist, 'cause, as I said, I so didn't see Ronnie coming.
But...but...you killed Hodges! I love Hodges. Oh well, at least you had him do a good deed at the end.
Hopefully Warrick and the gang will get to Catherine and Lindsey soon, although I'm curious about why Ronnie targeted CSI couples. Did she have a crush that wasn't returned on one of the CSIs? Curious minds want to know.
Comments 3
So, lovely chapter, with a lovely little twist, 'cause, as I said, I so didn't see Ronnie coming.
But...but...you killed Hodges! I love Hodges. Oh well, at least you had him do a good deed at the end.
Hopefully Warrick and the gang will get to Catherine and Lindsey soon, although I'm curious about why Ronnie targeted CSI couples. Did she have a crush that wasn't returned on one of the CSIs? Curious minds want to know.
And yes, you can absolutely friend me :)
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